Emmy Performers by Michael Speier
Excerpt from Matt Roush's TV Guide Online Article
Exerpt from An Article by Kristen Haines
For Your Consideration by Belinda Acosta
More Emmy Angst by Belinda Acosta
The Friday Rave by Mark Perigard
Beneath You
Something Wrong in Emmyland by Connie Ogle
Vampireslayer Awards? by Kenneth Muir
This section under construction.
If you know of any articles that mention James Marsters deserving an Emmy, please send me an email.
If you cannot send me the entire article, please include the name of the publication, author, and date of article.
That will enable me to attempt to retrieve the article myself.
I hope to have several articles listed here soon for your reading enjoyment.
Thank you in advance.
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If you would like your article removed please contact me at the addy below. All articles were used without permission. Contents are the property of the authors and do not belong to me. Copyright of said articles belong to the authors. No infringment is intended. This site is using these articles to make a point concerning James Marsters deserving an Emmy as well as the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer being deserving in its own right. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other related trademarks are property of Mutant Enemy (ME)Productions and Fox Television. Emmy is trademarked by The Television Academy of Arts and Science. Again, I state, no infringment is intended. Insert any other legalese here, just to be safe.
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