Serina 7of5 has been working hard analyzing Season Six. She has done an excellent job of picking apart the facts and shedding new light on the underlying meanings of each of the episodes. Below are several links to her papers. Go check it out!! Enjoy the nummy goodness of looking back on the points that you may not have thought much about.
There is more to is what she has so far. Now scroll down to the links, people.
Serina's Season Six: Analyzed
Bargaining Part One and Two
©serina7of5 papers used with permission.
©defenders_of_spike2002 Contact Me, not ME, silly
All characters are the propery of Mutant Enemy (ME) productions and Fox TV. Not used with permission. No infringement intended
Life Serial
All The Way
Once More With Feeling
Tabula Rasa
Doublemeat Palace
Dead Things