Jocasta's Papers
Restless (and Tabula Rasa) Ramblings
I think that it is possible for her to 'step down' but only if someone else takes over and she doesn't have to (or can't) be the slayer any more....
who's to know the implications of being split to house the key.....? Perhaps Dawn will become the slayer part of her and Season 7 will be passing on into a new role and the problems that brings...?
She lost her strength before (due to Giles and the Council) to see whether she could survive on her wits....
and she did SO well! Perhaps when Dawn reaches the point of gaining 'slayerness' Buffy will lose it.... In Restless where she says in her dream:
Does this mean that Dawn will take over as slayer when Faith and Buffy sort out the problem they had with each other?
Has the dual slayer situation got to change… if so how?.. She wishes she could stay…. Has prepared things for Dawn….
Then she has to go and face up to the primeval slayer spirit…. who she is NOT going to let rule her
The Slayer is PART of Buffy… the strength of character and basic 'goodness' comes from HER
not the slayer, that gives her the will and ability to kill demons. It could be passed on….. and she'd still be Buffy.
Faith as a slayer was different… her background and nature was different…
she was darker in more than just hair color…
Buffy wanted to help Faith and the Faith/Buffy relationship still has to be resolved.
Shame Riley wasn't to be trusted….
Odd(?) that this trust thing (that she couldn't have with Angel)
is the thing that she feels is lacking with Spike…..
But to get back to what I was originally trying to get over….
Faith and Buffy need to be reconciled… was that the meaning of the dream sequences and I really hadn't noticed the 'little sis' bit until I watched it again last night!
If season 7 is to be a 'passing the baton' and 'taking on new roles' one then Spike gaining his soul would give another parallel strand….
Will he become a watcher as Restless dream sequence suggests….
Swinging in the sunlight with Giles…. Dawn's watcher perhaps…..
Giles: Um, thinking about your affliction and, uh, your newfound
discovery that you can fight only demons; it occurs to me that
(chuckling) I realize this is completely against your nature but
I-I-I-- Has it occurred to you that there may be a higher purpose--
Cut to a playground, daylight. Giles and Spike are swinging on swings,
both dressed in Giles-type tweeds. Buffy playing in the sandbox.)
(Xander walks up.)
XANDER: Hey, there you are.
BUFFY: (putting sand in pail with plastic shovel) Are you sure it's us you
were looking for?
(Giles smiles at her.)
SPIKE: Giles here is gonna teach me to be a Watcher. Says I got the stuff.
GILES: Spike's like a son to me.
(They both smile and continue swinging)
XANDER: That's good. I was into that for a while, but...
(nods toward the
I got other stuff goin' on.
XANDER: (in playground) You gotta have something. (Looks at Buffy)
Gotta be
with movin' forward.
BUFFY: (like a proud little kid) Like a shark.
XANDER: Like a shark with feet and ... much less fins.
SPIKE: (like a proud little kid) And on land!
GILES: Very good!
(They keep swinging.)
Shark… the suit…. Tabula Rasa…. But is that all? Or is the Watcher role actually one he's going to be able to do, just as Angel did in S1/2?
What is with the Spike hiring himself out? He obviously wants Giles to applaud him
(which he doesn't, rather says Buffy should have killed him),
why else run and fetch him? But does it all say that the 'vamp monster' part of Spike is going to be an act…
a show that he 'puts on' for the public…
is that why he keeps on 'being evil' 'cos its what he does, even when you get the idea that underneath he's a pussycat?
I dunno!..... but I'd appreciate thoughts………