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MAT 070 - Grading


Grades will be calculated using the following assignments.

Homework - Homework will not be graded, although it is an integral part to understanding the material.  There will be time given for students to work on homework in class.  Homework will be reviewed at the beginning of each class.

Chapter Quiz - Chapter quizzes will be given at the middle of each chapter.

Chapter Test - Chapter tests will be given at the end of each chapter.

Midterm Exam - The midterm will be midway through the course and will be comprehensive.

Final Exam - The final will be given at the end of the course and will be comprehensive.  Students must make a 65 or higher on the final to pass the course.

Grades will be calculated as follows:

Chapter Quiz      30%
Chapter Test      40%
Midterm Exam      15%
Final Exam      15%

One point will be added to your final average if you are present for all classes.
