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Medical Transcription Program


Laboratory Medicine  Physical Examination and Medical History


Lesson 12


Deadline for Lesson 12----March 31st, 2004



1)     Exam of thorax, Breast, Axillae

2)     Exam of Heart—Circulation Review

3)     Exam of Lungs—Respiratory Review


Laboratory Medicine Textbook:

1)     Review pages 163-171

2)     Read pages 172-182

3)     Read pages 150-153


H & P Textbook:

1)     Read pages 209-210

2)     Review pages 71-74

3)     Read pages 217-221

4)     Review pages 83-84

5)     Read pages 227-229


Upon completion of reading the assigned pages above—perform the following:


Laboratory Medicine Textbook:

1)       Page 182---Questions 1-6

2)       Page 153---Questions 1-4


H & P Textbook:

1)     Pages 211-212-----Sections A, B, C

2)     Pages 222-223----Sections A, B, C

3)     Page 85----Sections A, B, C

4)     Pages 230-231----Sections A, B, C


After completion of Lesson 12—Contact instructor to take the fourth exam


DEADLINE FOR EXAM # 4 (Lessons 10, 11, 12)---April 5th, 2004