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Medical Transcription Program


Laboratory Medicine / Physical Examination and Medical History


Lesson 4


Deadline for Lesson 4----February 4th, 2004




            Laboratory and Pathology Abbreviations

            Review of Systems


1)      Read pages 59-64 in the H & P Textbook


2)      Read pages 71-74 in the H & P Textbook


3)      Pages 293-297 in the Medical Transcription Workbook (you use in the other class)

a)      For this exercise, you will need different reference materials. 

1)      Medical Terminology----use website searches

2)      Lab Med Textbook

3)      Medical Terminology Textbook

4)      Anatomy and Physiology Textbook


Upon completion of reading the assigned pages above---perform the following:


1)      H & P Textbook:

a)      Page 65-------Sections A, B, C

b)     Page 75-------Sections A, B, C