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Previous Updates

Thursday, September 26, 2002
I switched the guestbook to htmlGEAR. It loads faster than the old one and has more features. Sign it! I'm going to add some more pictures to the post your own gallery when I get a chance. Right now I'm working on a caresheet for feeder insects. It should be done this weekend.

Monday, September 23, 2002
Today I joined Larz Top Sites. I'm dead last so if you could spare some time to vote it would really help. I also added the first submitted entry to the post your pictures gallery. See it here.

Sat, Sept 21, 2002
I fixed an error in the link to me section today. I switched the webrings and the guest book buttons on the left. I think this will make the guestbook easier to find. Sign it or feel free to send me an E-mail.

Mon Sept 16, 2002
I messed around with the layout a little today. I like it better than the old one. It looks more organized and all the webrings are out of the way. I made the top banner myself. Like it?

The site's finally up and running. All I need to do is finish my care sheet then I'm all done. If you have any suggestions just sign the guest book or email me. In a few days I'll post more pictures of my gecko.