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Las Vegas Trip
Marielle, Nathaniel, JD and Mitchell
March 26-28, 2004

These pictures are from Las Vegas with Marielle, Nathaniel, JD and Mitchell.. Check it out.. Good times.. Lots of laughs!!

JD and Marielle at the Marriott

Marielle and JD with the $1 from the vending machine!

Marielle and JD at Paris

Mitchell and Nathaniel at Paris w/JD's leftovers

Marielle and Nathaniel at Paris

Purse Lady, JD and Marielle chilling at Paris

The 4 leaving Paris.. JD, Marielle, Nathaniel and Mitchell

Marielle and Nathaniel outside of MGM Grand

Marielle and JD with Jello shots and Fat Tuesday drinks

Yellow M&M and Nathaniel farting away! hehe

Marielle, Nathaniel, Blue M&M and JD.. The M&M doesn't have an "M"!

JD (looking lost) and Marielle at M&M World

JD and Marielle.. Now JD was ready!

Nathaniel and Mitchell drinking away!