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5th System Dynamics PhD Colloquium 2004 in Oxford, UK

Who should submit a proposal for a presentation?

Students considering participating in the Ph.D. Student Colloquium should be in the early phase of their research, but after having settled on a research area or thesis topic.


To apply as a student participant in the Ph.D. Student Colloquium, prepare a submission package consisting of parts listed below. Each of these parts must be submitted electronically (pdf or Word file) by May 15, 2004. Those of you who have already submitted the documents, you are very welcome to resubmit until that day.

1. General Information

The general information include:

2. Thesis Proposal

Submit an abstract describing your research. Your abstract should be at least 3 pages, but not more than 5 pages long, when prepared according to the format guidelines below. The research abstract should clearly indicate:

3. Discussion Topics

One of the main intentions of the Ph.D. Student Colloquium is to provide learning opportunities for both the presenter and the audience. Therefore, we would like you to formulate research questions that you would like to have discussed. Although we understand that these topics are subject to change please submit about 3 questions/concerns. These questions might be reformulated at a later point in time.

4. Letter from Supervisor

Ask your thesis advisor to write a short note (preferably email) confirming your research. The note should include the current status of your thesis research and an expected completion date. The underlying idea is to make sure that all submissions are SD-related Ph.D. works.

Please submit your proposal package to Burak Güneralp.