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July 6, 2003
One of the great joys that life has in store for us is identifying things. Whether it's a poem, a concerto, or merely the trees surrounding our house. My husband receives Weather Bug Pollen Alerts in his email account. Based upon our zip code they tell how high or how low the pollen count is on a scale of 0 to 12. He informed me that pollen saturation has been about 7 or 8 lately. These Pollen Alerts also list the three highest pollutants. Grass and Nettles this Independence Day weekend have been joined by Plantains. What are those, we wondered? Before our Nature Walk this morning, he searched the Internet and found of picture of them. We were quite amazed. "Those things," we cried, "every lawn around here has them!" So he took a picture of one down by Waterfront Park. They're not hard to find. The other two thumbnails below are of Thistles, which are just flowering, and Scarlet Paintbrush, just blooming.
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Plantain Thistle Scarlet Paintbrush
July 13th
6pussytoes.jpg (150545 bytes) 10yellow.jpg (136425 bytes) This is as yet unidentified, but we took this photo in the morning about 8:30. Temperatures were in the mid-60's, and overcast skies. In the afternoon, during another walk, when the sun was shining and the temperature around 75, we passed this same plant and the little yellow blossoms were closed.
Pussytoes in bloom. First photographed in May.
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The pictures in this Row were taken during our Walk on July 20th, 2003.  Æ
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Ant Traps Blue & White
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Canada Goldenrod Some kind of Purple