Flying Spitfires around the world built at Castle Bromwich.htm
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Flying Spitfires around the world built at Castle Bromwich



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P7350 Built as an Mk.IIa Contract no: -B981687/39/C.23 ( c ) 12 April 1939

TOC 6MU 13-8-40 266 Squadron, 603 Squadron 17-10-1940, FACB 616Squadron 10-4-41, SAL 5-8-41, cgs27-4-42, FACB 4-2-43, SAL 5-8-43, CGS27-4-42,FACB 4-2-43 AST sold J Dale donated to RAF Colerne. Used in the BOB film as G-AWU. Extant with BBMF,Coningsby.

AB910 Built as Mk.Vb Contract no: -B981687/39 22 June 1940

92 Squadron Aug'1942, ME 1-9-42,VSM 7-6-43 fuel system mods & wing stiff 416 Squadron 1-7-43, 53 OTU took off Hibald with WAAF Margaret Horton on tail 4-4-45 sold Air Com Wheeler M45M install G-AISU BoB Flight QJ-J Strk Hendy Heek at Wolverhampton 17-10-47. Extant BofB flight.

EP120 (G-LFVB) Built as a Mk.Vb. Contract no: -981687/39 23 August 1941


45MU 23-5-42, 501 Squadron 4-6-42 strk AB403 on runway Ibsley CAC 16-7 42 ROS CAC ops Dieppe 19-8-42 19 Squadron 9-9-42 402 Squadron 22-4-43 OTU 12-10-44 to 5377M St A 13-7-44 then 8070M BoB Film 18-4-68 Wattisham. Extant?

BM597 (G-MKVB) Built as a Mk.Vb. Contract no: -B981687/39 24 October 1940


37MU 26-4-42 315 Squadron 7-5-42 FACB 13-2-43 DeH VSM 26-6-43 fuel system elev & rud mods, wing stiff S type pt MkIII, IFF bomb carr, 222MU 4-1-44 58 OTU 2-4-45 TO 5718M 16-10-45, 11-3-67 HENLOW for BoB film 1972 Chu Fen as BM597. Extant-O of 609 Squad

MJ627 (G-BMSB) Built as Mk.IX Contract no: -B981687/39 28 May 1942

9MU 4-12-43,GAL 18-4-44,441Squadron 28-9-44, FACE 9-3-45 bboc recat B 11-9-45, AST sold VA as NEA 19-7-50 con to Type 509 two-seat train ( T9 ). IAC 5-6-51 as158 Apr'60 to G-ASOZ sold Film Aviation Services 13-11-63. Stor. BH11 dismantled Feb'64. Wings of Belgium 1-4-64 for MJ772 Sept'64 sold T A Davies as spares for Spit G-ASJV. Wings sent to Belgium mated to fus of BAF 159 extant UK G-BMSB.


ML417 (G-BJSG) Built as an Mk.IXe. Contract no. B981687/39 28 May 1942

6MU 28-4-44, 443 Squadron 22-6-44 CAC ops 7-8-42 127 Wg HQ 10-8-44, 443 Squadron 29-9-44, 401 Squadron 12-10-44, 411 Squadron 5-4-45, 412 Squadron 12-4-45, sold VASM 31-10-46 to EA conv. to two-seat train 25-5-48 as G- ?. 15-11-48 to Indian AF as HS543 Jan' 49 G-BJSG 7-8-80 extant again as a single seater.

ML407 (G-LFIX) Built as an Mk.IX. Contract no: - B981687/39 28 May 1942

(Click on ML407 and see the History)

33MU 23-4-44, 485 Squadron 30-4-44 CAC ops 12-10-44 341 Squadron 4-1-45 308 Squadron 11-1-45 349 Squadron 22-3-45 332 Squadron 19-4-45 sold VA NEA 19-7-50 con to type 509 two-seat train 1951 IAC as 162 SOC July ' 60 Extant Middle Wallop G-LFIX.

In order to support this Plane or see it at the Air shows you can contact Olivia Grace by e-mail or write to Mrs. Carolyn Grace, Solo Enterprises, PO Box 1174, Hallstead, Essex CO9 2QF. If you want to read more about this plane then get a copy of the Spitfire Society DCO Journal Spring 2001 Vol.4 no.6 Page23 &24.

TE566 (G-BLCK) Built as an Mk.IXe. Contract no: -B19913/39 19 April 1944

33MU 15-6-45, 312 Squadron 3-8-45 Czech AF 30-8-45, IDFAF 2032. To UK and extant as G-BLCK.

MJ730 (G-HFIX) Built as an Mk.IXe . Contract no: -B981687/39 28 May 1942


33MU 12-12-43, 222MU 24-12-1943 lds city 21-4-44 Casa 17-2 44 ME 30-11-44 MAAF 31-5-45 IAF 27-6 46 as MM4094. Ex-Israeli Air Force NO.66. Registered G-BLAS 1982, extrant Sussex.

MA793 Built as a Mk IXe.

6MU 19-7-43, 47 MU27-7-43, SS732 5-8-43, Casa 18-8-43 , NWA 1-10-43, USAAF 31-10-43 , RAF 31-5-44 , AST 23-5-45, 47MU 9-2-48 Clan Camp SAAF as 5601 30-9-48 , SOC 10-49 red to parts Nov '49 rebuilt as PT762, FE May '75 SAAF 6-5-76. Extant


MH434 (G-ASJV) Built as an Mk.XVIe. Contract no. B981687/39 28 May 1942

mh4346  Old Flying Machine Company

LFIX M66 FF AH 222 Squadron 13-8-43 shot down FW190 Sept. 84 GSU 16-6-44 ROS 7-7-44 76MU 27-7-46 RNAF 17-3-47 as H-68 332 Squadron as H-68 WUL later H-105 BAF as SM41 March 1953 sold COGEA as civil 00-ARA target tug sold T Davies G-ASIV sold A Swire AC-S normal wing fitted used as a photo a/c inBoB film extant G-ASIV reported M76 install.

MJ772 Built as a MkIX.

33 MU 20-12-43, 341 Squadron 20-1-44, CAC Ops ( Category AC beyond unit capability ) 18-6-44, 340 Squadron 22-6-44, 33 MU 19-8-44, Gsu ( Group service unit ) 27-9-44, FACC ( Flying accident category 'C' ) 20-1-45, 49 MU 25-1-45, HAL ( Heston aircraft Ltd ) 19-7-45, Sold VA as NEA 19-7-50, Converted to a two seater 31-5-51

MK356 Built as a MkIX.

9MU, 4-2-44 443 Squadron 11-3-44, 83GSU6-8-44 to 5690M RAF Holton 2-10-45 BoB Film extant RAF StA.

MK732 Built as a MkIX.


RNAF as H-25 1948, 4 SoTT St A 1971, 71 MU Nov'71, RNAF RAF Coning 1974 spares for BoB Flt as B8633M Extant RNAF Museum, Gilze-Rijen.

MK912 Built as a MkIX.

8MU 24-3-44, 312 Squadron 8-6-44, AST 30-11-44, RNAF 26-7-46 as H-59 later H-119 BAF 6-52 extant as SM-29 Saffraenberg Belgium

MK923 Built as a MkIX.

9MU 24-3-44, 126 Squadron 10-5-44, 39MU 11-5-45 , RNAF 19-5-47 as H-61 later as H-104 , BAF as target tug SM-37 2-53, COGEA 00-ARF extant Windsor, Ontario, NX521R

NH238 Built as a MkIXc.

HFIXC M70 RNAF H-60 , 1948 laterH-103, BAF as SM 36 1-53, COGEA as 00-ARE , USA as N238V 1972 extant Bitterwell as G-MKIX

PL344 Built as a MkIX.

8MU 1-7-44, GAL 19-7-44, 602 Squadron CAC ops 12-8-44, 442 Squadron 28-9-44, FACB 26-12-44, 401 Squadron 19-4-45 , 88Gp HQ 16-9-45 , 129 Squadron FAAC 6-5-46 , 151 RU 5-9-46 recat E 10-9-46. Extant, Hampshire 1986.

PT462 Built as a MkIX.

M70, 39MU 21-7-44, 215MU 31-7-44, Sil Sand 9-8-44, Casa 23-8-44, IAF 26-6-47 as MM4100 Israel 0607, Under rest. Sussex as Trainer G-CTIX

TA805 Built as a MkIX.

M70, 39MU 3-1-45, 183 Squadron 24-6-45, 234 Squadron 2-8-45, SAAF 26-4-49

TB863 Built as a MkIX.

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TD248 (G-OXVI) Built as Mk.XV1e. Contract no. B1981687/39 19 April 1944


M266 CBAF con.No.IX/4262 off contract and toc 11-5-45, 6MU BNn for storage 695 Army Coop SQD 5-7-45 codes 8Q-T service on site by 54MU working party from Cambridge 31-12-47 ret to 695 Squadron new codes 4M-E 13-5-47 No. 2 Civilian AA Coop Unit Little Snoring 31-8-51, 9MU Csfd storage 27-5-54 NES 14-12-54 610 County of Chester RAAF Hooton Park as display a/c codes DW-A 4-1-55, R.AU.AF disbanded a/c awaiting disposal 1366 Chester ATC Squadron at Sealand as 7246M 8-4-59, 30MU Sealand for display 31-6-67.

Colour scheme of u/s Ocean Grey 7 Dark Green, black prop 4in.yellow tips Sky spinner and fuselage band 18in wide 4in forward of tail plane. Wing leading edge yellow 4in. wide band from tip u/s roundel 32in dia overall. Dull red centre' in white blue bands fin flash 24in wide 8in wide stripes. Extant RAF Sealand DW-A 7246M.

TE184 Built as a MkIX.

No History

TE308 Built as a MkIX.

HFIXC M70  Sold VA 19-7-50, Converted to a two seater ( 509 ) G-AWGB IAC as 163 30-7-51, WOC 1961 BoB Film with rear cockpit removed , 1974 to CF-RAF N92477

TE356 Built as a MkIX.

No History

TE392 Built as a MkIX.

No History

TE476 Built as a MkIX.

No History

TE554 Built as a MkIX.

33MU 26-5-45, 310 Squadron 1-8-45, Czech AF 30-8-45, Israel AF as 57 7-52 171351 4x- fog Extant Israel airworthy.

TE566 Built as a MkIX.

33 MU 15-6-45, 312 Squadron 3-8-45, Czech AF 30-8-45 IDFAF 2032. To U.K nad extant as G-BLCK


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