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Stick Soldiers 




Mod Tutorial By Ace2go





  1. Open up your Stick Soldiers folder


  1. You should see a picture like the one shown below





  1. Open The Data file.


  1. If done correctly, the screen will look like the picture below




  1. The Base folder consists of the pictures for the title screen, example, if you open it up you will see the following files…









            Bkg.bmp: basic background picture

            ButtonIn.bmp:Button pressed in

            ButtonOut.bmp:opposite of ButonIn

            Cursor.bmp:Your mouse cursor

Vbar.bmp: verticle bar

            MapSel.bmp: little bar that moves when you push up,down,etc for the map selections

            MapList.bmp: Map selection box

            Hbar.bmp: horizontal bar


      6.  Please continue to next page


  1. If you open up the Console folder you will see the following:





Bkg.bmp: The background that comes up when you make a map

      Font.bmp: The color of the font in the game


  1. Opening up the Game folder you will see a variety of most of the games graphics

I will only review a few of the difficult ones because most are self-explanatory


JRTorso.bmp: A torso jogging right

JLTorso.bmp: A torso jogging left

LUzi.bmp: A Uzi facing to the left: all of the guns w/ a L in front of them, that means they are facing to the left with and R means to the Right

SmallFrag.bmp: A fragment of a soldier that has just been killed there are three small fragments, and three big fragments.


  1. If you would like more information on the file bitmaps, click on one once and a

Thumbnail should appear on the left showing you what it is.


  1. Actually modifying: Simply open up a paint program, locate one of the files demonstrated, and your off.  When you are finished, save and open another, and another, and another……..


10. If you would like detailed information on every single file in stick soldiers, please feel free to email me at - If it is in high enough demand, I will post it on this excellent site.