Here is just a short document that tells you what each parameter is in the
carious weapons files. (This was taken of the WSU forums.)
Inside "SSgfx.gtb"
[W_mp5k.tga] -- name of texture, we keep all weapon textures 32x16
mp5k 2,2,32,16 --- sprite name, the numbers you have to look at the image,
and count across how many pixels till the front of the gun, then count
down to the top of the gun, then write the bottom right corner coordinates,
all weapons must be in the bottom right hand corner, facing left,
otherwise they get screwed up.
Inside "SSwep.wtb"
[MP5K] -- sprite name
Name=MP5K --- name when picked
Template=M4 -- weapon fire type template (m4 is machinegun type)
ROF=6 -- rate of fire
Power=10,4 -- normal, against armor
Accuracy=6 -- the guns accuracy
Sprite=mp5k -- sprite template
Hand=0,0 -- possition of the hand, i dont suggest messing with this
Fire=-16,-2 --- LOL i don't know what this is
;FireSound=m4.wav -- ; is a comment
FireSound=mp5k.wav -- fire sound
RPG=False ---- does it have an RPG on it ?
RPGFireSound=none.wav --do we have an rpg fire sound ?
Inside "SSsnd.stb"
m4.wav 10 -- wav file, how many times it can be played at once.