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decided to be lazy and not format this page and seperate the convos or put in anchors like wanted to, you will just have to scroll thorugh them all! if you are interested in them...dont worry no one has a gun to your head. have fun they are pretty amusing.


Senseless JOE: id be something weird like " remember the third episode when joey is walking down the street and a bum passes ? thats you !"
kpier5446: haha!!
kpier5446: you aren't a bum
Senseless JOE: haha
kpier5446: i go to school with some so dont even try to say you are
Senseless JOE: not around you, at home i walk around in boxers, roam the streets in search for dollar bills on the ground hopeing to save enough for a slirpy and wear old offspring shirts that look like they would fall apart the second i am wearing them..
kpier5446: and you are way too cool to be characterized as a friends character
Senseless JOE: yay
Senseless JOE: thanks\
kpier5446: hehe, you still aren't a bum
kpier5446: i'll honk when I see you running around in your boxers
Senseless JOE: hahaha
Senseless JOE: yes !
kpier5446: and throw you a ten, enough for a couple slurpees
Senseless JOE: yay
Senseless JOE: haha
kpier5446: hehe, you think I am kidding
Senseless JOE: i do
Senseless JOE: but then again, i dont run around in my boxers, so you couldnt prove it
Senseless JOE: hee
kpier5446: haha
kpier5446: i would even do the yell thing too, but that will have to wait til my voice comes back



kpier5446: thats what you end up with you sneak into adult bookstores at 16
Senseless JOE: you did that ?
kpier5446: yeah, condoms plus in hillcrest
kpier5446: its like "try to act mature"
Senseless JOE: OH MY GOD
kpier5446: yeah nate found out when we went laser tagging the last time
Senseless JOE: your even cooler now.
kpier5446: as did nick and gary and little brandon
Senseless JOE: i cant stop laughing.....
kpier5446: gary was like covering brand's ears
Senseless JOE: oh my god....
Senseless JOE: im choking....


Senseless JOE: do you want to go to kristens house today ?
Senseless JOE: at 3 ?
CuriousGeorge998: my house?
Senseless JOE: no.....
CuriousGeorge998: I'm already here
Senseless JOE:: amys friend kristen
Senseless JOE: not your sister


Senseless JOE: shes a lumber jack if its any of your business !!.....


Senseless JOE: if you were tall i cant lean my arm on your head


Champ Kryzowski: oh i see how it is haha yes i am the one
naughty kirstie: a leech on a shark!!
Champ Kryzowski: yes but im dont know u
Champ Kryzowski: like your new screen name
naughty kirstie: what nick?!? you stuck your sweaty ass in my face!
Champ Kryzowski: i found it
naughty kirstie: sneaky
Champ Kryzowski: shutup nate i killed u
Champ Kryzowski: u were squashed like a bug
naughty kirstie: nick this is kristen
naughty kirstie: haha
naughty kirstie: and you prolly would have squished me if I had the balls to wrestle you
Champ Kryzowski: haha
Champ Kryzowski: u would have put up a better fight than nate
naughty kirstie: oh no the beast has got me!!
naughty kirstie: haha, prolly not
naughty kirstie: I would have squealed like a pig
naughty kirstie: I would have died
Champ Kryzowski: no
Champ Kryzowski: not unlees my feet got to u first
naughty kirstie: you have ninja like quickness they would have gotten me
Champ Kryzowski: well its ok
Champ Kryzowski: i did after all take down alex
naughty kirstie: i know!! I was shaking in my boots
Champ Kryzowski: after i almost butt smashed u and gary
naughty kirstie: haha, yeah...the corner was not big enough for the two of us
Champ Kryzowski: mutt butt what u gonna do but suck cuz your f****ed
Champ Kryzowski: i would have said that ryme
Champ Kryzowski: then u both would have fit
naughty kirstie: haha!!
naughty kirstie: i dont know if I would have wanted to have been that close to g
naughty kirstie: i guess its better than getting beat by your ass though
naughty kirstie: haha
Champ Kryzowski: both nate and alex got beat by a lot of things tonight, (not in a sexual way though)
naughty kirstie: haha...hard not to tell though
naughty kirstie: the tape says it all
Champ Kryzowski: seriously??
Champ Kryzowski: thats great then
naughty kirstie: haha
naughty kirstie: gary says you guys could make a lot of money selling it on the internet cuz some people are really into that kinda stuff
naughty kirstie:: kinky man wrestling stuff
Champ Kryzowski: yes
Champ Kryzowski: thats awesome
Champ Kryzowski: i dont care how i get the money
naughty kirstie: you could be a millionaire
naughty kirstie: be as famous as ron jeremy
naughty kirstie: haha
Champ Kryzowski: Ron Jeremy
Champ Kryzowski: wow
naughty kirstie: nick kross up in lights at xxx bars
Champ Kryzowski: i could picture that
naughty kirstie: flashing lights
Champ Kryzowski: cant forget that
naughty kirstie: who needs to be a soccer star?! when you can rule the adult entertainment market!!!
naughty kirstie: crazy legs nick:porn star
Champ Kryzowski: in his many moments of fame
naughty kirstie: you would be a legend
Champ Kryzowski: on everyones computer
naughty kirstie: yes!!
Champ Kryzowski: hopefully for some benefit back to me and not for free
naughty kirstie: yes, you dont need to have free copies roaming around on limewire and morpheus
Champ Kryzowski: little kids might use me as a role modal
naughty kirstie: mommy I wanna be like nick when i grow up!
Champ Kryzowski: fling my legs up at people
naughty kirstie:: and wrestle men!!
Champ Kryzowski: and be filmed
naughty kirstie: yes!! just like nick, mommy!
Champ Kryzowski: well first then son u must drink milk for strong bones
naughty kirstie: cuz you want your legs to feel like they are made of iron
Champ Kryzowski: and a neck to propel them
naughty kirstie: a neckinism!!
Champ Kryzowski:: then u must get guy friens
Champ Kryzowski: *friends
naughty kirstie: especially one with a big head
Champ Kryzowski: HAHA
Champ Kryzowski: nates hard to get in a headlock
naughty kirstie: cuz his head is soo goddamn large
Champ Kryzowski: too large to be normal
naughty kirstie: i dont know how my mom ever had him
Champ Kryzowski: haha
naughty kirstie: must have been like birthing a rhino
naughty kirstie: safari!
Champ Kryzowski: or a beach ball with limbs
naughty kirstie: haha! one of the extra large ones at sporting events
Champ Kryzowski: that takes a really long time to blow up
naughty kirstie: you would get light headed trying to blow his head up
Champ Kryzowski: kinda like being high
Champ Kryzowski: but not
naughty kirstie: exactly
Champ Kryzowski:: on the dot
naughty kirstie: nate would tip over if he had to do it himself, he already has a limited balance
naughty kirstie: hah!!
naughty kirstie: ahh too close to the sun!!
naughty kirstie: it burns
Champ Kryzowski: POP!!!
naughty kirstie: now I can have two rooms!! and two comps!!
Champ Kryzowski: WITH A SWORD
naughty kirstie: i forgot! excellent
naughty kirstie: hehe, be like xena warrior princess
Champ Kryzowski: LELELELELEL
naughty kirstie: I would have to get some metal breast plate thingy to complete my outfit
Champ Kryzowski:: AND THAT METAL DISK
naughty kirstie: yes
naughty kirstie: okie, goodnight
Champ Kryzowski: SEEYAH
naughty kirstie: goodnight crazy legs
Champ Kryzowski:: HAHAH
Champ Kryzowski: THERE SPRINGS!!!!


naughty kirstie: my dowry price is going to go through the roof if word gets out I mask and paint
naughty kirstie: haha
Senseless JOE: eep
naughty kirstie: not only can she make cookies but she does manual labor
naughty kirstie: whapish
naughty kirstie: and dont you fret your pretty little head, i dont have a dowry
naughty kirstie: i dont wear hoops skirts and that is like the first requirement for having one
naughty kirstie: even though I say smitten


GilligansClone: number 3 should be that on your anniverasry you have to ride donkeys in rafts down waterfalls


naughty kirstie: i already have a name picked out for my donkey
Senseless JOE: hahahahaha
naughty kirstie: juan valdez
naughty kirstie: that is my donkey's name
Senseless JOE: HAHA!
naughty kirstie: and i will feed him coffee
naughty kirstie: that way I never have to stop riding him
Senseless JOE: hahahaha
naughty kirstie: he only gets regular no decaf
Senseless JOE: mixed with speed.
Senseless JOE: to create a super laxitive.
Senseless JOE: he craps at the speed of light.
naughty kirstie: cuz juan valdez the donkey loves coffee especially laced with spedd
Senseless JOE: yes.
Senseless JOE: he stops to potty and finishes within 5 seconds.
Senseless JOE: hes juan valdez, super shitter !
naughty kirstie: he will wear depends though so it doesnt shoot someone in the eye going 3.0 x10 18
Senseless JOE: YES !
naughty kirstie: the physics!
naughty kirstie: the velocity of it alone would kill someone
Senseless JOE: yes
naughty kirstie: and who else would be on the raft? just you and me right? I gotta make sure he doesnt shit in your eye
naughty kirstie: he could kill you!



GilligansClone: the simmins bot will destroy


GilligansClone: if only we could travel through time
naughty kirstie: stupid kristen
GilligansClone: but we can't
GilligansClone: now can we
naughty kirstie: i dont have a time machine in my green house like some people
GilligansClone: yeah geeze Kristen


naughty kirstie: i do owe you but dude you didnt witness anything
GilligansClone: that's for me to judge
GilligansClone: I am the witness


naughty kirstie: nk nate was delivered to us instead of the zoo, haha
Senseless JOE: hahahaha
Senseless JOE: the delivery guy ran away before you could point out his mistake....
Senseless JOE: " just take it ! i dont carrre !"
naughty kirstie: haha!!
Senseless JOE: "ill get fired ! just take that THING !"
Senseless JOE: sprry
Senseless JOE: sorry*
naughty kirstie: owww! nate hit me!
Senseless JOE: hahahaha
Senseless JOE: kick !
naughty kirstie: he was like why did you minimize the window?
Senseless JOE: punch !
Senseless JOE: hahahaha
Senseless JOE: reason, brother i love so much.
naughty kirstie: HAHAHA!!
Senseless JOE: just go......over there.....
Senseless JOE: while i continue to write wonderful things about you to joe....
naughty kirstie: what you said I was a monkey!! *punch* *hit*
Senseless JOE: hahaha!
naughty kirstie: he didnt get me hard though, he is more interested in vid games


Senseless JOE: i went to sea world and played with shamu
Senseless JOE: i was riding him.
Senseless JOE: he threw me off though !
Senseless JOE: that jerk !


naughty kirstie: but the jeep out front might give me away, i would have to park down the block
Senseless JOE: hehe
Senseless JOE: truth, truth
naughty kirstie: is that kristen's car out front? what is she doing here?
Senseless JOE: death !
Senseless JOE: haha
naughty kirstie: oh my god she has been in the toy box!!
naughty kirstie: maim!




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