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Variable is a trait or characteristic that takes on different values or levels

Constant does not vary

- Researchers distinguish between variables.

- Independent (IV) v. Dependent (DV) Variables

- think in terms of Cause (IV) and Effect (DV)

Term IV has assumed different meanings in various areas of behavioral sciences.

- Some investigators restrict the definition to a variable that is experimentally manipulated in the context of an experiment.

- We adopt a more general definition of independent variable as any variable that is presumed to influence a second variable.


Involves translating empirical relationships between objects into numerical relationships.

Measurement Hierarchy (see handout)

Quantitative and Qualitative Measures

- Qualitative – cannot be ordered, only classified according to qualities possess (Nominal)

- Quantitative – can be ordered based on values along dimension (Ordinal, Interval, Ratio)

Populations and Samples

- Population – aggregate of all cases to which one wishes to generalize

- Sample – subset of the population.

- Representative Sample – when we select a sample in order to make a statement about a population on a given dimension, we want to ensure we are using a representative sample of the population.

- Random Sample – procedure for approximating a representative sample.

- Essential characteristic – every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample


Parameters v. Statistics

- Parameters – indexes based on entire population

- Statistics – indexes based on data from sample of the population.


Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

- Descriptive Statistics – involve the use of numerical indexes to describe either a population or a sample.

- Inferential Statistics – involve taking measurements on a sample and then, from the observations, inferring something about the population.

Mathematical Preliminaries: Summation Notation

Suppose we have a measure of the number of days of work each of five individuals missed in the past month, the score on this variable are as follows:

X (# days missed)

Y (money earned each day)












Suppose we want to sum the five scores on variable X to determine total number of months worked by the five individuals.

- In stats, we have a short hand way of writing instructions to sum a set of scores, summation notation.

- In this instance:

Second expression will encounter:

A third summation expression is:

A fourth summation expression is:

A fifth summation term we will encounter is:

A sixth summation term we review is:


- The number of decimal places used in reporting a statistic will differ depending on the nature of the variable being reported.

- Most commonly, reported to two decimal places

- Intermediary calculations should be done using at least one decimal place beyond the number of decimal places plan to use in final answer.

- If you are performing computations on a calculator, rounding error can be substantially reduced by keeping all digits shown until you round the final result.

These two rules you should already know:

1. If the remainder to the right of the decimal place you wish to round to is greater than one-half a measurement unit, increase the last digit by one.

2. If the remainder to the right of the decimal place you wish to round to is less than one-half a measurement unit, leave the last digit as it is.


**This is new rule you need to know! (Does not replace other rules – only when the last digit is a 5, so you can’t just round up or down easily)

3. If the remainder to the right of the decimal place you wish to round to is exactly one-half a measurement unit, leave the last digit kept as it is if it is an even number, but increase it by one if it is an odd number.

- Note that when this rule is used, the last digit of the answer will always be an even number.

- According to this rule, 10.345 is rounded to 10.34 because the 4 in the hundredths place is an even number, and 10.335 is also rounded to 10.34 because the 3 in the hundredths place is an odd number.

- The purpose of the rule is to avoid a bias in rounding up or down across a large set of numbers; with the rule, approximately half the time you will round up and half the time you will round down.