
Jonathan Rundgren - our grandson - update!
Kjell Rundgren - 2006 - MORE Summer pictures!
Kjell Rundgren - 2006 - Summer pictures!
Kjell Rundgren - Spring 2005 PICTURES!
Kjell Rundgren and the Volvo Pearl - 2007 - a new year and new pics!
Kjell Rundgren has ANOTHER new book!
Kjell's Letter - July 2003
Look at that smile!
Rundgren's Racer!
VOLVO - the BLACK PEARL in Sweden
VOLVO - The Pearl is alive - Kjell Rundgren July 2012 update!
Volvo - The Pearl, the new Cadillac and the Kjell Rundgren Family in Sweden - May 2010.
Volvo -The Pearl - Sommer 2007 update from Kjell!
Volvo XC AWD driven by Kjell Rundgren!
Ånnaboda - Giant Classic Car Meet in Sweden!

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