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Hey! It's me, Flounder! I'm so glad you have decided to help me! Ariel said your the best of the best, so I know you can help us here under the sea! It's been getting kind of fishy down here, and we don't know what to do! We thought these objects were new sea creatures swimming around in our water, but we were very wrong! They aren't creatures at all. In fact, I don't even think they are alive! We sometime mistake them for food, but they taste horrible and we've found them to be toxic. My turtle friends eat some of them also, mistaking them for jellyfish. Some of the other creatures in Triton's kingdom get stuck in these objects, and I have to help them break free! Can you please help us human friends? We need to know what is causing this devistation and how to prevent it!

Your Mission:
Answer the following questions to help Ariel and her friends figure out what this pollution is and how it can be stopped. The websites below will help you find the answers.

1. What type of pollution is hurting Ariel and her friends?
2. Where does this pollution generally come from?
3.) Is this type of pollution known as point pollution or non-point pollution?

Critical Thinking:
4.) In your own words, explain what you can do from your community (your home) to prevent water pollution.

Pollution Solution
Water Pollution-HINT: Look toward the middle!
Keep oceans clean

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