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Water Pollution Information

Here are some facts you should know about water pollution before you get started:

The following information is here to help you learn some background knowledge on the topic of pollution. This should help you understand different concepts presented in this webquest. Read over the following information with your group members to learn a bit about water pollution and related terms.

Water is the most precious natural resource that we have on earth, making up 70% of the Earth's surface. Without water, our world would not exist. Although we know how important water is, humans are responsible for much of the pollution to our rivers, lakes, and oceans. Slowly we are harming many animals living in the water and polluting our drinking water. In order to combat water pollution, we must understand the problem and become part of the solution.

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Causes of Pollution:

- There are several causes of pollution including sewage and fertilizers that contain nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates. Excess levels of these nutrients stimulate the growth of aquatic plants and algae which can clog waterways and use of oxygen.

- Other causes of water pollution include oil spills, plastic containers and bags that get disposed of in the ocean, and agricultural run-off.

Terms to Know:

Pollution:contamination of air, water, or soil with harmful substances.

Point Pollution: polluted water from a defined point, of definite source. It can be collected as industrial or municipal wastewater and treated

Non-Point Pollution: pollution discharged over a wide land area, not from one specific location. These are forms of diffuse pollution caused by sediment, nutrients, organic and toxic substances, originating from land-use activities, which are carried to lakes and streams by surface runoff. It is difficult to collect for treatment.

Oil Spill: the unintentional release of liquid petrolium hydrocarbon into the environment as a result of human acticity. IT is often relased into the ocean or coastal waters.

Runoff: the movement of landwater to the oceans. If the runoff is polluted, it causes water pollution.

In order to prevent water pollution, we must find a way to do our part in saving our earth's water supply. Ariel and her friends need your help cleaning up their home. Continue on to find out how YOU can help our world by cleaning up the water.
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