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To the Rescue!

1. You will first be assigned to a group of four people.

2. Once you are in your group, decide amongst yourselves which Little Mermaid character you want to help.

3. One person will have the task of helping Scuttle. One person will have the task of helping Ariel. One person will have the task of helping Flouder. The fourth member of the group will have the task of helping Sebastian.

4. Your first objective is to read your character's scenario and assess the situation. It is up to you to determine which pollution is affecting your friend.

5. Once you have discovered what type of pollution you are dealing with, you will individually research your type of pollution in order to help your friend. You must find out what the type of pollution is, how it happens, and how we can help prevent it or clean it up.

6. Once you have completed your individual tasks and thoroughly answered all of your questions, you must come together as a group and share the information you found with your group members. Each group member should read their questions to the other members of the group and discuss the answers they recorded.

7. Once you have shared your information with your group, you will work together to make a large poster and present your findings to the class.

8. The poster that you will be creating is a collaborative assignment. You should work together with all of your group members to create a poster illustarting what you've learned from each of the characters.

9. The poster must include each of the four types of pollution, how it negatively affected your character, and solutions for each source of pollution.

10. For your presentation, each group member must orally present one of the forms of water pollution and a solution on how to prevent it.

Home  General Information  Task  Ariel  Sebastian  Scuttle  Flounder  Rubric  Conclusion