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Islam In America:
Invigorated And Refined by
Sheikh Jilani

Sheikh Jilani's first visit to America had a great impact. He found there more people from all walks of life who, in their quest for the ultimate truth, had eccepted Islam with an enthusiasm unmatched anywhere else in the world. However, they were not properly educated in all of the aspects of Islam, which is more than just a religion, but a way of life which covers every facet. On seeing this, Sheikh Jilani decided to remedy the situation and bring those American Muslims up to the level which would allow them to attain the highest perfection in living the life of a Believer.

His task was made somewhat easier by of the fact that anyone with a good heart, immediately upon casting their first glance at the Sheikh, knew that he was someone special, who had been sent by Allah as a guidence and mercy. All too happily, the Muslims in America accepted him as their Imam and Murshid (Spiritual Guide).

Muslims who, previous to meet the Sheikh, were known for their laudable qualities of kindness, bravery, generosity, veracity, etc. gladly accepted him. Those who had previously exhibited undesireable traits, and were known as liars cheats, and backbiters rejected him on some pretence or other. As Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:

Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.

That in itself was sufficient proof for his new followers that Sheikh Jilani was on the right path. He taught his students to live according to Deen-ul-Islam in letter and spirit, giving them a complete sense of self, purpose and understanding came to the desire to live a more moral and righteous life for self and family. Therefore, Sheikh Jilani encouraged his followers in America to become upstanding citizens of their country, as well as Muslims. They were discouraged from participating in criminal acts of any kind. They were enjoined to obtain education and training in job skills and stay off the welfare rolls as this depleted the dignity of Muslims (and others). The majority of Sheikh's followers purchased land away from the urban metropolis and developed small villages where they could raise their children in a wholesom environment and live a life of pure Islam, free from the decadence of a godless society.

 Please send an e-mail to: Zaviabksus@aol.comto place an order for any of his books.
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