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 Sheikh Jilani
Qur'anic Psychiatry

In 1976, a group of Muslim psychiatrists at the Psychiatric Research Center of Shahar Hospital, Taif, Suadi Arabia, set out to scientifically prove the fact that the Holy Qur'an is capable of healing, as stated by the following Aiyat of the Holy Qur'an:

"O Mankind! There hath come to you a guidence from your Rabb and a healing for the deseases in your hearts, and for those who believe, a Guidence and a Mercy.
And we sent down in Holy Qur'an such things as have healing and mercy for the believers but increases the miseries of the disbelievers."

Several reputable Muslim scholars were approached by these docters but were unable to offer any assistance with the project. Finally when they came to Sheikh Jilani seeking his help, he eagerly accepted the challenge. The results of the project were motioned and recorded by the two psychiatrists, Dr. Gaber, a christian, and a muslim, Dr. Mahmuda, and witnessed by a team of scientists from eight countries for eleven months.

Patients suffering from many types of mental disorders were treated and cured. Essentially, the majority of patients responded remarkably well to Qur'anic therapy, especially those who had not undergone any previous psychological treatments. However, the response level of those who had previously recieved massive doses of drugs and "shock threrapy" were very poor.

One of Shiekh Jilani's most prominent cases was that of the son of the chief bodyguard of King Fahd, who was critically injured in a car accident and had been in a comma for the past five days. He was brought in a special plane from Riyadh Hospital where docters had tried unsuccessfully to revive him.

A large number of doctors and government officials stood outside the Center as he was laid on the bed. Everyone was asked to leave and headphones were placed on the patient's head and specially selected prayers from Holy Qur'an were played, which revived him within 15 minutes.

As more miraculous results of this type were achieved, it became evident that the project employing the Jilani Methodology of Qur'anic Threrapy was a great success. Yet, the very psychiatrists who had begun the project, feeling the threat to thier very profession by the effectiveness of the Jilani Methodology, began to turn againts Shiekh Jilani and tried to discredit his work. When Dr. Dennis, who was Secretary General of the International Psychiatrists Association, and had witnessed the results of the project, was approached by Sheikh Jilani concerning an opportunity to introduce the Jilani Methodology in London, how disappointing for him was the doctor's reply, "I don't want to believe in religion."

Qur'anic Psychiatry and A Report on Curing Some Incurable Diseases.

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