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The Articles of Faith

ALL muslims believe in:

the oneness of allah.

Allah has no partner, son, daughter, helper, or competitor. There is nothing that even remotley resembles Him, for He is Unique.

the Anbiya wal murasuleen (the prophets and messengers of allah, peace be upon them all).

The Holy Qur'an states that each people has received revelation from Allah in its own tongue so that all individuals know what is required of them. The Holy Qur'an mentions twenty-five of them by name, among them Nabi Nuh (Noah), Ibraheem (Abraham), Isma'eel (Ishmeal), Is' haq  (Issac), Ya'qoob (Jacob), Yussuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses), Dawud (David), Sulaymon (Solomon), Yahya (John), Isa (Jesus), and Muhammad (May The Peace and Endless Blessings of Allah Almighty be upon all of their noble souls). There are, however, many others who are not named. Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last Messenger of Allah, wa sent with a universal message meant for all humanity. The message revealed through him is the Holy Qur'an, which is Allah's final presentation of the original revelation received by mankind in its purest form. A Muslim must accept all of the Anbiya wal Murasuleen as ligitamate, for denial of one means denial of all. For western readers who are not convinced that Nabi Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not a Messenger of Allah, proof of his claim can be found in the Bible (Deut. 18:15-18, 33:2-3; Isaiah 29:12; Songs of Solomon 5:16;  John 14:15 16, 16:12-14) as well as in the biographical accounts of  the life of Nabi Muhammad (peace be upon him), which was lived in full view of his contemporaries.

  The Holy Qur'an

The original messages revealed through the various Ambiya wal Murasuleen. The purest of these is the Holy Qur'an, for it was recorded during  the lifetime of the Holy and Last Nabi (peace be upon him) and under his direct supervision. The revelations mentioned in the Holy Qur'an as having been received by other Messengers, such as the Suhuf of Abraham, the Torah of Moses, the Zabur (Psalms) of David, and the Injeel (Bible) of Jesus, all have either been lost or corrupted.

His angels

The existence of angels as part of the unseen world. They are spiritual beings beings who have no need for food, drink or sleep.

The day of judgment

The Holy Qur'an teaches that life is a test for each individual, for everyone must choose whether he will or will not follow the commands of Allah. On this day, each person will be resurrected and asked to account for what he did while he was alive. Those with good records will be rewarded and enter The Jennah (Heavenly Bliss) forever, while those with bad records will be punished by being sent to The Jahennum (Hell Fire) until Allah forgives them {...and Allah is oft Forgiving most Merciful...Holy Qur'an}. This belief developes within the individual an awareness of Allah's presence and a desire to obey His laws sincerely and voluntarily.

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A Muslim believes that nothing happens without the knowledge and permission of Allah. While we may not understand why certain things happen, it is a part of the devine plan for our lives.

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