Want to know how was this site about a year ago? then scroll down for a not-as-complet-as-I-would-want history of this place.

When I first made this site, it was pretty boring. Also, it got out a week later than I had planned, because a problem with my computer erased all the filess I had. But luckily, I had them in disks, but because of my bad memory, I remembered about them four days later. Just a few images of Final Fantasy 7 and Macross Plus, a couple of explanatory pages, and just a link to Alvaroīs page. Also, the page was completely in Spanish. After a couple of weeks, I would add Alvaroīs fanfiction stories to the Final Fantasy 7 section as an extra.

When I first started, I didnīt knew anything about webpages, so I did it with the Angelfire webpage creator. Also, some of the pages had a purple-blue horrible background, that I thought it looked cool. Yeah, right.

After I did some work on the page, I did this logo for it. The page was still in spanish, but It started to have some english content like the FAQ from Kao Megura for FFVII. Also, I discovered Eregilīs page, Beginning of the nightmare. Being myself a Vincent fan, I liked it inmeditely. Also, it was around this time that I wrote my first story, "Retrospective" and sent it to Eregil, who posted it in his page. Also I began to work in a spanish written fanfic called "Materia de los Tiempos" ("Materia of the Times") that never saw the light, but served as a practice for what would come after, like "The Excellent Adventures of Cid and Vince".

Well, by this time I had alredy replaced the horible purple-blue background with the starry one everyone likes. I had started to ask many fanfic writers like Sir T. Magus, Teka Valentine and Eregil to let me post their stories at the site. I notice that, for being an "extra" the fanfictions begin to use a lot of space, so I create a section for them. Also, I begin to put more links to the page, and I join the webrings of "Silence" and "Final Fantasy VII Fanfiction".

New language, new logo. The page is now all English, and the Macross Plus stuff is gone. Also, itīs by this time that I replace the plain letters links with the buttons. The sections start to look better, and the page already is getting many visitors a day. I start "The final conflict" and I send some of my stories and my link to "The Shinra No. 26:Rocket Town.", and I also put the "About Me" and "Vincent Shrine" sections. I start to appear from time to time at the "Silence Message Board".

Now, finally, this site appears to look cool. I add Final Fantasy VIII images and info. Serpent 231, Princess Artemis, Aeris Rose, Glass Shard, Jayrocc,Sarah, Monkey Wrench, Magpie, Kate Wang, Kathryn, Leah Raeder, Fifi, Serena Lee, Tsarmina, Fifi... all you, thanks for helping me make this site one of the greatest things around the Internet! Brinkstark adds me to his SeeD program, The Gold Saucer Battle Arena opens its doors with the help of Tsarmina. Also. Mini-Cid and Mini-Vince are formally introduced to the pageīs visitors, and help me keep the Fortress clean. The people who has signed the guestbook (you know who you are!) thanks for taking your time to write you opinions on my humble site. "AA", thanks for being the 1000 visitor, and for frequenting this page. And finally, to whoever I might have not mentioned (I have a bad memory, sorry) I thank you for helping me do this, I couldnīt have done it alone. And if you are impressed by what you have seen this, just wait for the next year!

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