So you want to know about me.Well,the info below should ask most of you questions.



Alter ego:Luis Toscano López

Birthday:December 20 1982

Hometown:La Paz,B.C.S.,México

Height:1.76 m

Double id:Secret.

Powers:Capable of recite every line of Ninja/Gray Fox from Metal Gear Solid,read 450+ pages books in a couple of days.

Powers source:Caffein in large doses,food with high degrees of colesterol,radiation from TV and computer screens.

Allies;Carlos Zeferino,Carlos Alberto Lasso,Jesús Omar Perdomo,Yukio Kuroda,Rodrigo Munguía,Fernando Rangel,Edmundo Pedraza,Alvaro Martínez,Eregil the Wood Elf,Pilot Ethan Weinstock.

Enemies:Leobardo Cabrera (know better as Leonardo diCaprio),Barney the dinosaur,many security guards from Sanborn´s y Librerías Ramírez,Bill Gates,Sega,Rare,Acclaim.