
Seven More Days

a ffvii fanfic by Eregil the Wood Elf

Feedback welcome!!! E-mail: eregil@usa.net

Chapter 2

Yuffie: "Vincent! What are you doing here? I was thinking you might have left!"

Vincent (sitting on earth in the square, staring at Da-Chao): "I woke up at night, and thought I could wait for dawn here. It was a pretty interesting dawn."

Yuffie: "Uh? Interesting? Why, the same as every day, so?"

Vincent: "How many days are we allowed?"

Yuffie: "Yup, six."

Vincent: "No, I mean - before we go back to the Highwind."

Yuffie: "Now that you mention it... Cloud didn't say anything about that."

Vincent: "I see..."

Yuffie: "Is that of any importance? We'll just leave today, to be sure."

Vincent: "Let go... I was wondering..."

Yuffie: "What about?"

Vincent: "What Lord Godo meant, and also... I've been taught the Planet life theory, but not everyone was... look at Da-Chao, think of the customs of Wutai... the gods that have been worshipped for so long... I wonder..."

Yuffie: "I see... you're still looking for your answers..."

Vincent: "..."

Yuffie: "Oh, man! What if you just keep fighting till the Planet is safe and later go on with that? You'd have more time."

Vincent: "Time is just what I'm trying to realize if I deserve... And fighting is right what I'm wondering if I should keep doing... I guess it wouldn't be of any help..."

Yuffie: "Let's just leave, ok? It won't matter whether you search for the answer while sitting or travelling, right?"

Vincent: "No, I guess not..."

Yuffie: "Gee, Vincent. I used to think you'd never talk this much to me, don't you know?"

Vincent: "..."

Yuffie: "All right then."

Shera: "Your tea, Cid."

Cid: "Thanks, Shera."

Shera: "So... you're leaving today, huh?"

Cid: "Yeah, I'm leaving."

Shera: "Cid, you do think you have a chance to win, don't you?"

Cid: "Of course!"

Shera: "Of course... otherwise... why should you leave?"

Cid: "I don't really know... but I guess I would leave all the same."

Shera: "Wouldn't you stay by me, Cid?"

Cid: "Shera... I... I don't know how to say this, perhaps I don't even know what I want to say exactly... but..."
"You remember when I spent whole days in the rocket, right? My dreams... my wishes..."

Shera: "Yes..."

Cid: "Then, when we were in outer space... the blown-up tank... and Cloud trying all he could do to free me... I was telling him he didn't have to worry about me..."

Shera: "..."

Cid: "But he insisted... how foolish I've been for such a long time... how egoistic I've been..."
"Right, I can't forget the way Shinra disappointed me... but I was so egoistic then... but Cloud and the others... they respected me all the same... they trusted me. I... I have to repay them."
"As they respected my dream and someway, they helped me make it come true, now that they've got a dream, I have to help them... and their dream is... saving the Planet."
"And I admit, me too... I've got the same dream now."

Shera: "Oh, Cid..."

Cid: "Yeah... that's how it is. I've learnt so much since then... I can't just quit this journey."

Shera: "But you, you'll come back, right? ...Promise me."

Cid: "..."

Shera: "Come on."

Cid: "I promise."

(Shera smiles, almost weeping)

Cid: "I'll come back to you..."

(Knocks at the door are heard.)

Cid (waits a few seconds looking at Shera, then as more knocks are heard): "I'll go."

(He gets up, and goes open the door.)

Cid: "Yuffie! Vincent!"

Yuffie: "Cheers! They told us you were still here, so... I thought we could leave together."

Cid: "Come in and take some tea, you two, won't you?"

Yuffie: "Yuk, thanks!"

(She enters, followed - almost unwillingly - by Vincent.)

Cid: "Shera, these are Yuffie and Vincent."

Shera: "Nice to meet you."

Yuffie: "Yup, my pleasure."

Shera: "So, you're going to fight for the Planet's sake, right?"

Cid: "It's an important fight."

Yuffie: "Well, I'll do it for the future of Wutai."

Cid: "And what about the Planet itself? Now that I've seen it from outer space... as I've already said, I kinda feel this Planet is still a child. A child who needs help. And we're the ones to help him."

Vincent: "A child... the Planet... a child... Hmmm..." (walks apart)

Cid: "Huh?"

Yuffie (in a low voice, to Cid): "You see, Cid - Vincent is still trying to find a reason to fight. Do you think we can help him?"

Cid: "Dunno. He's a rather unusual guy, you know. Let him be alone... you'll see he's going to fight at our side in the end."