
Seven More Days

a ffvii fanfic by Eregil the Wood Elf

Feedback welcome!!! E-mail: eregil@usa.net

Chapter 3

(Yuffie and Cid walking side by side, Vincent behind them)

Yuffie: "Listen, Cid, can't we just go to the Northern Crater elseway and call Cloud on PHS to make him reach us there on airship?"

Cid: "Wha? I'm not supposed to do that!"

Yuffie: "But I don't want to get back onto that ship!"

Cid: "Hah! What are you talking about? ...oh, your airsickness. Say, I'm not staying far from her any more. I missed her."

Yuffie: "Who, Shera?"

Cid: "Shera? Oh, well. I meant the Highwind."

Yuffie: "Really?"

Cid: "Anyway, who else can pilot her? I dismissed the crew, they must be at home now, all of them. I'm the one who is supposed to take her to Sephiroth!"

Yuffie: "Aw, nuts." (by herself) "Hmmm... I don't really want to walk all the way to the Crater alone... hmmm..." (she turnes her head back) "Listen, Vince, can't we just go to... Vince?!?"

Cid: "What's up with him now?"

Yuffie: "Where is he?" (stops and turns back, and Cid does the same)

Cid: "He was here walking with us two minutes ago."

Yuffie: "You're pretty sure about that, aren't you Cid?"

Cid: "Yeah, two minutes, or... maybe more?"

Yuffie: "And now?"

Cid: "He might be still around here. Let's just walk a few steps back, and if we don't find him, let him go... we don't have enough time to look hard for him. Too bad, I thought he would come."

Vincent (by himself): "Yeah, that's what I am supposed to do. Wait for death here, content of my last sin, my untasteful revenge over Hojo. That's the only way I can quit committing sins, staying still."

Red XIII (howl is heard from the distance, then he gets closer and speaks): "Vincent! Nice to meet you here!"

Vincent (turns to see Red): "Leave me alone."

Red XIII: "...What's up?"

Vincent: "Just do as I say."

Red XIII: "But... what about our fight?"

(Vincent closes his eyes and stands still)

Red XIII: "Aren't you coming, Vincent? Cloud must be waiting for us."

Vincent (reopens his eyes, yet he doesn't look at Red XIII at all): "So what?"

Red XIII: "...Vincent, I'm... confused."

Vincent: "No need to worry. That condition never lasts long."

Red XIII: "I thought you would come."

Vincent: "No, I won't."

Red XIII: "That you would... help us finish what we've started, help us save the Planet..."

Vincent: "I said I won't. I joined your party merely to seek and destroy Hojo and have my revenge. Now leave me."

Red XIII: "Vincent, I don't understand."
"Well, I knew what your goal was since the beginning, but... I thought you would understand how important is that the eight of us get to the final battle against Sephiroth."

Vincent: "Sephiroth?"

Red XIII: "Of course..."

Vincent: "Right, Sephiroth. Hojo's son. And Lucrecia's."

Red XIII: "Vincent, you do know what will happen if we don't beat Sephiroth, right?"

(Vincent takes a look at Meteor, and doesn't say a word.)

Red XIII: "And... this isn't enough to convince you that we must fight Sephiroth, all together?"

Vincent (pauses, then looks at Red XIII and speaks again): "And you think that you can judge and punish a man for a fault which is not truly his?"

Red XIII: "...You mean Sephiroth?"

Vincent: "Sephiroth has lived in a world of illusion for over thirty years. He's been told so many lies, so many made-up stories, he never had a chance to understand it all. Then, he started to believe he was an Ancient. He went mad. And it was all Hojo's fault. All Hojo's fault, you understand?"
"Lucrecia's son... and Lucrecia herself... could have had a much happier life if only Hojo... no, if only... no. Never mind."

Red XIII: "Are you telling me Sephiroth is... totally innocent?"

Vincent: "I don't know."
"No, I don't know. And this is why I can't decide whether it's right to fight him or not. The Planet is the one to decide about his fate."

Red XIII: "The Planet's consciousness is nothing but the consciousness of every soul in it. And there are the good, and the evil ones. This is why the Planet is like... a child. Still confused about what is good and what is bad. Someway, with the Black Materia, Sephiroth made the Planet summon Meteor. There would be no hope now if Aeris hadn't prayed for Holy, which is the hope of every good soul in the Lifestream. But currently, they are unable to win against Sephiroth and the ones he converted to Evil. They need help. And help will come, from us, for we're part of the Planet's consciousness as well."
"You say the Planet is the one to decide. This is right. This is what will actually happen. And as parts of the Planet, we have to give our vote. Me, Cloud, Cid, everyone. And you too."

(The land is silent for a while.)

Red XIII: "So what do you say?"

Vincent: "..."

Red XIII: "..."

Vincent: "..."

Red XIII (shakes his head): "There's not much time left."

(Somewhat looking disappointed, Red XIII leaves the place resuming his journey. Vincent stands still.)

Vincent: (to himself) "Finally, a reason why I might decide to fight."

(He looks towards Red XIII, but doesn't move.)

(Vincent walks among the other AVALANCHE members, everyone looking at him puzzled.)

Vincent: "Why the puzzled look? You don't want me to come?"

Cloud: "No, it's just that... you're always so cool, I thought you didn't care."

Vincent: "Cool?"
"Hmmm... I guess that's just how I am, sorry."

(Red XIII looks at him proudly.)

The end