Past Updates

Kal: Well, now you can see what changes has the Fortress been through.Here are the new stuff and the old stuff.

Mini-Vince:Why would anybody be interested in seeing the old updates?

Mini-Cid:Yeah! Thereīs no point on seeing this page!

Kal:But, but... All the cool pages have a "past updates" section! Eregilīs page, The Captainīs Rocket Town...


Kal:Well, it makes this page appear cooler!

Mini-Cid:"#"%&! Then stop playing videogames all the time and work on the page!

Kal:Stop that! Please, honored visitor, ignore them, and see how this page has changed.

July 3


Iīve been very busy lately, but I promise this week youīll see updates on the following stories: Crossed Fates, My view from the window and Pupuīs Saga. Just be patient.

May 19

Update on Pupu's Saga

Just added chpaters 8-10 of Jeremy's Pupu's Saga and a new pic for it. So what are you waiting for?

May 3

New fanfic!

There's a new fanfic My View From The Window by pRiSm_AnGeL. It's a kick ass Vincent story, so go read it. And I'm working on the new Gold Saucer match...

March 30

Maibox about to explode...

Well, now the eight chapter of The Final Conflict is here. And Jeremy Chapter's new, bold and improved Pupu's Saga (with images!). And now I'm reading a new fanfic about Vincent, and try to work on a super-secret-one-year-in-the-work-not-thought-of-before Vincent fanfic.

March 13

Fanfics, exams and spam! Oh my!

Well, at the fanfics section thereīs anew story by me The Forgotten One and I added settings 3-5 of Jeremyīs Pupuīs Saga. Have you noticed I do these updates every exams week? I think Iīm becoming a procastrinator. It also doensīt help me I get like a thousand e-mails a day.

February 27

New fanfics!

Yeah! Go to the fanfics section to read Pupuīs Saga by Jeremy Chapter, Settings 1-2. And Crossed Fates chapters 8-11. And later this week Iīll try and update the Gold Saucer Battle Arena!

February 10

As I promised the Image Gallery and FFVII/VIII info pages are gone.
I know itīs been a long time, but Iīm back. Iīll try to make as many updates as possible in the following days. Just be patient, please.

January 1

Well, soon the page will go through some changes:

First, Iīll delete the FFVII/FFVIII info and Image Gallery pages. They donīt have anything remarkable enough to stay, and their content can be easily found in many other pages.

Second, Iīll devote more time to the Fanfiction and Gold Saucer pages. Iīll try to make them better looking and easier to navigate. And Iīll try an add some other sections (maybe a messageboard or a soapbox column).

Third, Iīll change some of the rules for fanfiction submition. The most important are: Send them HTMLized and with a small summary of what the story is about.

December 24

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

Finally I got to do some work on the page. Look at the fanfics section for: The Sorceress Knight by Mess and Chapters 6-7 of Crossed Fates. And since no one reclaimed the honor of being the 5000th visitor, Iīll close that contest. Sigh. And in January Iīll have more fanfics, and possibly a total redesign of the page.

November 26

Ughh, I had to reinitialize my computer, and all my files got erased. That means itīll be a while before I can post anything new. I should have the new Gold Saucer battle next week, along with chapters 6-10 of Crossed Fates and some new stuff. Meanwhile check the new link to Kasa no Mikoīs page Shards of Dewprism at the Teleport Cabins section.

November 11


To celebrate the Fortress reaching its 5000 visitor, Iīll do a contest: If youīre the 5000 visitor, hit the "Print Screen" key on your computer with the counter VERY CLEAR, paste on any drawing program you have and send it to me. Youīll win: A story about your favorite FF7/FF8 character written by me, being acknowledged as the 5000th visitor forever (like AA the 1000th visitor!), and a Gold Saucer match with the characters you choose. And if you happen to be the 5001 or 5002, donīt worry! Maybe the 5000 didnīt notice, so send the image with the counter. And donīt cheat!

Now, onto the updates:
Iīve been busy, but thereīs a new fanfic Crossed Fates chapters 1-5 by Nicola Wilcox (To Nicola: I know, it took me a lot of time, sorry). And soon Iīll post stories by Mess and Eva. Please be patient! And come back later to check the result of the Gold Saucer battle.

October 21

Finally, a new Gold Saucer Battle! Itīs Shadow, Cloud, Vincent, Squall, and Irvine... versus the Backstreet Boys! Go vote now!

October 20

Well, finally, The Gold Saucer Battle Arena is updated. Tomorrow Iīll post a new fight so you can vote on it. And Iīll update the fanfics section with works from Nicola Wilcox. And thereīs a link ot TīShaelīs page at the Teleport Cabins.

October 13

Vincentīs Birthday

Kal: Happy Birthday, Vincent! To celebrate this happy day, I have written a couple of new fanfics: The last tear, A Thousand dawns and the comedic The Obnoxious Adventures of Vinceman and Highwindboy. And thereīs also Chapter Seven of The Final Conflict.
And visit the Vincent Shrine to read the best Vincent related stories this site has to offer!

Mini-Vince:Hey! Does that means itīs also my birthday?
Kal: I think so.
Mini-Vince:Cool! Where are my presents?
Kal: Uh.. Theyīre organizing a party for both of you at Beginning of a Nightmare
Mini-Vince:Letīs go!

October 3

TīShaelīs stories are up! Go to Fanfiction an read Mirror Image, The Flip Side of the Mirror, The Choices We Make. Iīll put a link to her page later.

September 29

Well, I finally wrote the commentaries on Mekaīs stories (sorry it took that long, but I had exams), and thereīs a new story The Playstation by David Solomon. And this weekend Iīll do some more work. Thanks to Tīshael for letting me post her stories Mirror Image, The Flip Side of the Mirror and The Choices We Make. Since theyīre too big, itīll take me a while to post them entirely. Please be patient!

September 24

Well, there are two new stories: Aeris... and Vincent Valentineīs Love by Meka Valentine. I will write the commentaries about them tomorrow, since I havenīt been able to read them. (Iīm very busy!). And a link to the Final Fantasy Fic list page at the Teleport Cabins section.

September 7

There are two new fanfics:An unlikely dance, Flower power girlīs picked her last pansy by Arian and Ryn. And the fanfics section is now two sections, to make easier to find your favorite story, sorted by authors names. And a new link to the "Final Fantasy 7 radioplay". Iīm Red XIII!

August 22

There are new fanfics: Friends by Alex Weitzman, Love and Reality by Shayna Harvey.

August 2

The sixth, SIXTH chapter of "The Final Conflict" is up!

July 19

Finally I posted The Commander part 1 and One becomes the other by Selphie Leonhart and Shayna Harvey respectively. Sorry girls, but in vacations I tend to be (even) more lazy than normally I am.

July 6

New fanfic! Cid Gainsborough by Alex Weitzman, and the fifth chapter of The Final Conflict is up.

June 19

I posted He rode a black chocobo, concept by Imp Mayhem, written by me, Kal! Itīs at the fanfics section, so go read it now!

June 14

Well, Imp Mayhem gave me the green light to post "He rode a black chocobo", and Iīll post it later today or tomorrow. At the links section there are links to Impīs page (Electric Evil) and Tsarminaīs page (Tsarminaīs library). Now the webrings are in a diferent section.

June 12

Well, finally something new. At the fanfics section: Reviresco by Arian, and A night at the alley by Imp Mayhem. Also, Iīll be posting soon:"The Commander" by Selphie Leonhart, and "Cid Gainsborough","Friends" by Alex Weitzman, and "One becomes the other" by Shayna Harvey (Yes, people, Iīve received your stories,donīt worry, I was too busy to post them). Be patient, though, Iīm in the middle of my finals, and with the exception of Alexīs works (sorry, Alex, but itīs too long for me to htmlize them right now) Iīll be posting them through the week.

May 25

Well, it seems I wonīt have free time until next weekend. For all of you who have sent me fanfiction, Iīve received it, but right now I donīt have the time to htmlize them and post them. For all of you who expected something new in this update, sorry. But donīt feel down, because Iīm working on the third installment of "The excellent adventures..." and chapter Five of "The Final Conflict" is halfway done.

May 6

Well, go to the fanfics section to read Birth of a God by Serena Lee. Also, soon Iīll be posting some new fanfics by me, Iīm still working on them.

April 12

There are two new fanfics: Tread softly on my dreams by Arian, and The Legend by Jeffrey Synn. And thereīs an update at the "Misc." section! "100 things to do if youīre an Evil Overlord", "More things to do if youīre an Evil Overlord", "Even more things to do if youīre an Evil Overlord".

April 4

Well, Aprilīs Foolīs over, and that little prank of Mini-Cid and Mini-Vince is over. They are happy with the way I handle things around here. And the only update is on The Gold Saucer Battle Arena: The Highwind vs. The Ragnarok. Go vote on your favorite now.

April 1

Please, if thereīs someone out there... HELP! Mini-Cid and Mini-Vince have taken control of the Fortress. I was lucky to escape the guards, but I donīt have much time left. Itīs only a matter of time before they find me here, so, if you can, come and help me. God knows what they plan to do next.

Mini-Cid:There he is! Catch him!

I must run now. But Iīm not giving up without a good fight!

March 31

Finally, the second Gold Saucer match is done. Go to the Gold Saucer Battle Arena to see the Yuffie vs. Selphie fight! Thereīs a new counter from the And maybe, MAYBE, Iīll do something special for tomorrowīs April Foolīs day (Is in April 1, right?)

March 19

Just to let all of you know that the counter is lost. Yes, the counter dissapeared, after an error almost erased all the index page. The last quantity registred was 2166 visitors. I guess Iīll have to start again with a new counter.
