*~ Welcome To The "A Little Night Music RPG" List ~*
In order to subscribe to this list, you first need to register with OneList. It's free and simple, and will only take about 3 minutes of your life. If you haven't done this yet, please click here.
If you'd like to join this list, please click on the link below. After you are approved by one of the list moderators,you must send an e-mail to the list telling us what character(s) you would like to play. Once again, you may have 1 main character from the musical and 1 created character.
*~ Your Character~*
Please fill in a form for EACH Character.
Character's Name
Eye Colour
Hair Colour
Where are they from?
Interesting Quirks
Anything else you'd like to share
Photo (of your ideal conception of the character)
The Little Night Music RPG is a proud member of the Really Useless Group. Want to join? E-mail LadyRuthie@yahoo.com and she'll hook you up. (Web ring to come,we hope...:-)
This is Les Flufette...isn't she adorable?
If you'd like to adopt Les Flufette for your webpage, e-mail LadyRuthie@yahoo.com