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So far, we've had Charlotte, Fredrik, and Carl-Magnus RPing... But here's what's been happening (Note: This is all in order of when it's sent to the list)

Charlotte sits at the table, head tilted to her left and eyes peering towards her right. She is currently thinking, possibly devising up a plan of some sort. A small grin appears on her face, "Aha... that would be amusing.." she says to herself. Then she takes a sip of her tea, waiting for her husband to arrive.

Carl-Magnus bursts through the door and says "We have one hour. Count it one hour together."

"One hour... hmm... last time it was 45 minutes... I'm gaining at least some ground." She grins for a second, then returns to her usual solemn/sarcastic ways, "How was your week, dear?"

"Really Charlotte, how do you think it went! What are you expecting me to say "oh it was fine... but I quit the army and became a ballerina" Truly Charlotte you ARE an idiot. Where is my damn breakfast!"

"Oh yes dear, I absolutely expect you to say that... ballerinas are soo amusing... I wasn't quite sure when to expect you home..." Then a maid comes and sets Carl-Magnus' breakfast before him... "There it is, dear."

"This is cold! I wanted hot oatmeal You are fired!" he hollers off at the maid!

Charlotte doesn't look in the least bit surprised about Carl-Magnus' treatment of the maid, "You had a worse than usual week, haven't you? Or perhaps there was an unexpected guest at Miss Desiree Armfeldt's? Ah yes.. how is Miss Desiree? In good health, I trust."

"A guest why would there be a guest! Ha! I was going to check up ms. Armfeldt in an hour or so."

"Ah.. I see..." She ruffles with her cloth, searching her mind for the next item to say... "A famous woman can have.. only so many... boys..." She fades out, her head tilted, eyes peering to the opposite direction...

"Yes Charlotte whatever..." said the Count paying NO attention to her. "I must be going to Desiree's. You are a good wife Charlotte... the best"

"That is a.. very comforting thought, dear. Perhaps I'll visit Marta, or some old school friends... Do enjoy yourself." The last sentence is said with more sarcasm than expected out of Charlotte. She folds up her cloth and stands up.

After Carl-Magnus got out of his car (let's just skip the talk about him getting in and riding the car) he went up to Desiree's dressing room and knocked 3 times.

Countess Charlotte Malcolm reaches the enchanting house of the Egerman's, and knocks on the door a few times. She stands, awaiting for someone to answer the door... (like Todd I'm skipping the ride...)

Frederick opened the door and said "May I help you.."

Charlotte stands in front of Fredrik, on the doorstep, "I am Countess Charlotte Malcolm... is Anne home?"

"No she isn't" said Fredrick... "may I ask why the beautiful lady is asking for her?"

"Oh, I merely wanted to visit her, and say hi... she was dear friends with my younger sister, Marta... you must be Anne's husband?" Charlotte speaks, eyeing the man in front of her.

"Yes I am. May I offer you something to drink? My maid, Petra, is taking a well-deserved break until tomorow. Come in and make yourself comfortable. Your husband is a very lucky man."

Charlotte steps into the house, "No, no, thank you.. I'm not thirsty at the moment... I can see you must be a kind sir to your maid... if only my husband were that way to ours..." As she hears the last sentence crawl past Fredrik's lips, she smiles slightly, "Thank you, kindly.. I appreciate that remark, highly... although I'm not so sure my husband would agree. Anne herself is rather lucky to have you for a husband."

"yes I would agree. I am kind, and genorous. I plan on bringing her to the opera next week. Plus I am good in bed. VERY good in bed" he said as he crept closer to Charlotte

"The opera? My husband most likely wouldn't take me anywhere interesting, such as the opera... You must be kind and generous... In fact, you sound like a true tiger for her..."

"Yes but she refuses to.. well.... you know. Ever since our marriage I have been well.. eager [I am DESPERATELY trying to avoid the word we are ALL thinking] I HAD to send Petra away for the weekend. She was too much for me. Your body is much nicer than Anne's. It's true what they say A body is like wine: it improves over age"

"How long have you two been married again, dearest Mr. Egerman?" Charlotte half-smiles w/ Fredrik's remark, "I don't quite know whether I should appreciate that remark or take offense to it... but... I believe that I am currently appreciating it..." She slowly edges slightly towards Fredrik... *dundundun!!!!*

"2 years. I noticed you are getting closer. Let's be Frank. Neither of us are how do you say it..' getting any' [LOL! sorry but I couldn't think of another phrase!!!!!!!!!] and we want it. Follow me" said Fredrick as he led her to the bedroom."

"2 years? My my... no wonder you're... eager." A quick giggle passes through Charlotte's lips, following Fredrik to the bedroom, "That is a ravishingly seductive cravat."

"yes yes whatever." Fredrick already had his trousers around his ankles. With Anne he usually went to trouble seducing her. This time he hurried as fast as possible.

Charlotte begins to remove her clothing, hurrying along just as quickly as Fredrick was... then the woman quietly says to herself, "oh, this will be fun!!" with a light giggle... Charlotte? Giggling? Ah, she's just having fun for once...

"Yes it will!" Fredrick pulled her into the bed and pulled the covers over them AND the next day Fredrick woke up after a rough night (LOL!!!!) to find a strange women in his bed. It took him a while to remember everything.

Charlotte awakens, finding herself in someone else's bed, with someone else's husband, and its MORNING! of all times of day! "Oh, Mr. Egerman... I believe I've stayed a tad bit longer than I had planned..." a small grin appears on her face for a moment, then she becomes the regular, yet somewhat in the charming mode, of Charlotte, "Shall we see each other again, my champion?"

"This was just a moment in the woods... OUR moment.." said Fredrick. NO WAIT!! Wrong show... sorry everyone here is the REAL relpy: "Perhaps. Now get dressed...quickly my maid Petra might be arriving soon." Then there was a knock on the door"

Charlotte glances in the direction of the knock, stopping for only a moment. Quickly she begins to put on her annoying clothing... ugh! Why must women have so many clothes? She remained quiet, thinking of who it might be...

After Fred (I get tired of typing out Frederick) had gotten (is that proper English... ah well) dressed he ran to the door and opened revealing the young female form of..... (insert here)

The Countess had just barely finished dressing when Fredrik went to open the door, and she swooped out of the bedroom, into the parlor. She looks almost exactly the way she did when she first knocked on the door...

Desiree was busy soaking in a nice hot bubble bath when she heard what she thought was a knock on the door. She groaned to herself, thinking how this is the one day she doesn't have to perform and doesn't have to WHY would someone bother her? She got up out of the tub, and wrapped herself in a large bath towel. She lit a cigarette and shuffled across her hotel suite to the front door. Flinging open the door she saw the Count Carl-Magnus standing there with a goofy grin on his face. Seeing him, Desiree immediately fell into 'flirt mode' She poked Carl-Magnus playfully in the chest and giggled "My, what are you doing here, my little plaything? Did I not specifically tell you that this was my day to relax?" Sighing, she continued. "Well, I suppose as long as you are here, I might as well do my best to entertain you. So sit down...can I fix you a drink?" She looked at him quizically, "What, pray tell, are you doing here anyway?"