Snow White

The way you've never seen it before!


Jellylorum as The Evil Queen

Victoria as Snow White and Mistoffelees as the Prince

Mirror: Gus Queen/Witch: Jellylorum
Snow White: Victoria
Prince: Mistoffelees
Horse: Pouncival & Tumblebrutus
Huntsman: Munkustrap
Happy: Tumblebrutus
Grumpy: Rum Tum Tugger
Dopey: Pouncival
Sleepy: Alonzo
Sneezy: Plato
Bashful: Admetus
Doc: Mungojerrie
Animals: Jennyanydots’ mice & cockroaches
Director: Rumpleteazer
Assistant Director: Etcetera
Producers: Tantomile & Coricopat
Script: Pouncival
Special effects/Supervisor: Skimbleshanks
Scenery & Props: Cassandra
Lights & Music: Jemima & Electra
Costumes: Jennyanydots
Choreographers: Demeter & Bombalurina
Narrator: Jennyanydots

On to Part One!