Nikky's Favorites!! (Yeah I Have Some)

Hey people!!! This is one of the only pages that will have GOOD stuff on it!! It's about What I love most about either Britney, NSync or BSB!! IF YOU TAKE ANY PICS ANS WE FIND OUT...YOU CAN GET IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW!! So with that..On with my fav's:


One of my fav things about the BSB is Brian. He is the hottest BSB IN MY OPINION(Notice MY OPINION). He has a great body and he is such a cuttie! Not to mention his great voice. He is everything ya want in a guy! He's funny, makes a cute Donald Duck voice and his personality is great. Well, at least what he shows on TV and such is......


Well, I'll give ya one guess! Stumped??? IT'S BRIAN!! So yet another thing of my favs is...BRIAN THOMAS LITTRELL!!!!

hehe....MY LAST FAV

Some people say...How can you make a humor page about people when you like them?? Well, I would be an obsessed fan if I didn't rip on them once in awhile!! They have some major issues that I can take and make funny. ALSO, Others ask....Aren't you jealous of Brian and Leighanne?? Of course I am...What kinda person wouldn't be...BUT this doesn't mean I would call her a slut or a HO. Their happy...So Im happy (Not Really). I LOVE YA B-ROK!!