Hey, to get the whole "Puberty" thing you had to go to a NSync Concert!!! The "Jackson Medley", Chris Sings so dang HIGH!!! Yes, Higher then Poodle Boy!!!
Chris Crap ( I Like That)
- Full Name: Christopher Kirkpatrick
- Date Of Birth: October 17, 1971
- He's The LEAST mature of all the NSyncer's
- Likes A Girl: That is up for a adventure and is not afraid to make the first move! (You'd have to be up for an adventure with those Dreads!!!)
- Stupidest Thing He Ever Did: Surf In A Hurricane (Um....DUH!!! How stupid can he be???)
- Why We Named Him That??? Watch The Jackson Thing....I Think He Sings Higher Then My Male Music Teacher-Who Can Go Higher Then Brian and NIck Combined)
- SHORT attention span (Can you say Hyper Pills?)
- He is coming out with his own clothes line (mostly female...AHEM)
- Stupid Quote: Have you ever been in love? Oh yeah, I've fallen in love twice. The last time was a girl called Catherine. It lasted three months and was my longest relationship. (WOW....3 Months...He must get A LOT of women)