Look really close at the two pictures below. They look very similar! Is it possible their twins??

Ryan Phillipe

He's a big actor. Has been in MANY movies. Examples are Cruel Intentions and I know what ya did last summer. He has a wife and a child on the way, but could he and Justin Timberlake be twins???? Maybe, they both like B-Ball and Apple Jacks!

Justin Timberlake

WE ALL KNOW WHO THIS IS!!! He's dating either Britney or that Innosense Chick, maybe both! Whatever the relationship department is, he looks like Ryan! Justin has a beemer, Ryan has a beemer. Justin loves dogs, Ryan and Reese Witherspoon (his wife) have about 5! These and many others are examples of their brotherly bond!

Do U Have Any Twins???

Anybody famous that resembles a BSB/NSync or Britney??? Send their picture in and we'll give you a SPECIAL GIFT!!! lol, maybe its some BSB tickets (probaly not, but YOU can dream). Actually all you'll get is a couple pics of your choice and credit for your great detective work!!!!