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Britneys History:

From birth to present day...

It was an unusually cold December the year Britney was born. At birth she was classified as a slow child...a title she maintained until well, today. Since Britney had brain malfunctions, doctors recommended Britney take up dance in hopes that it would stimulate her brain. Britney began dance classes as soon as she was old enough. Britneys parents were horribly ashamed of their daughter in the earlier least that's what I perceived. Britneys first word was "like," ironically that is one of her most commonly used words today.

Britneys first dance recital was typical; alot of little girls running around in pink leotards. After this recital, Britneys parents began to hope she was just a late bloomer. Dancing also helped Britney gain a high self-esteem. Britney was not very self conscience as a child, and still isn't, which is evident by the clothes she wears. As Britney approached 8 years old many things happened, one of which, she became a "cutier" little was downhill from there though. Britney appeared on Star Search and following that moved to New York. New York gave Britney lots of experience, not just limited to acting, singing or dancing (wink wink.) A few years later Britney was chosen to be a member of the Mickey Mouse Club, which was cancelled 2 years later.

Britneys resurface in 1998, (grrr) marked the return of the not so innocent catholic school girl look. These days Britney enjoys receiving titles she doesn't deserve, including; Teen Queen, Oueen of Pop and/or, Pop Princess. Sick, isn't it?

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The above article is for entertainment purposes and is not meant to be seen as completely factual.

Copyright 1999