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Here's a transcript of Britney's interview with Big Joke...I mean Big Jams Magazine....

BJ: Hey Britney, I hear your planning a tour for this summer. What exactly are your plans?

BS: Well, like you know, just the usual. I'm like going to prance around the stage in like a hoochie outfit and try to sing my heart out.

BJ: Wow, sounds like fun. How is your modeling coming?

BS: Like, I don't know if you've noticed, I've gained alot of weight. Modeling like, isn't for me anymore, you know.

BJ: Oh yes, I've noticed. Speaking of your weight gain, what are your favorite foods?

BS: Oh gosh, I have to pick one? Well I like love ice cream and pizza. Ding-dongs, Twinkies, M & M's, Snickers, and oh I absolutely can't live without all types of chocolate. Like my manager gets mad at me all the time for eating, like to much.

BJ: That sounds --

BS: Omigosh! I like totally forgot about doughnuts and I can't stay away from Hershey's Kisses. Oh and there's also--

BJ: Okay, I think we understand how about another question...What's your favorite color?

BS: Oh my...that's a really good question, let me like think, you know. I'd probably have to say baby blue because it's like Justin from 'N Sync's favorite color you know and I'm totally stalking him...wait can you take that last part out, like throw out that whole question and ask me again.

BJ: Umm...okay. Britney, what is your favorite color?

BS: Well you know I really like baby blue...I've loved it since I born.

BJ: Okay, you bet. Anyways, where do you see your career in the future?

BS: Well, you know, I completely see myself as like the diva of the future. I know I'm a great role model for all kids so I think I'll probably be on top for like, you know, ever. And I'll be like the perfect beauty image of the future...(laughs) you know it's funny, like a whole bunch of 10 year old girls write to me and tell me how much they love me! That's a really...oh gosh like what's that word...--

BJ: Exhilarating, uplifting, inspiring, motivating...

BS: No,'s really fun.

BJ: It's really fun to have children look up to you?

BS: Yeah, well you know what I mean.

BJ: Oh yeah...I know what you mean...(cough) well Britney this talk has been nice, but the headache you gave me is...I mean I have other engagements this afternoon!

BS: Engagements? Oh your getting married...I'm like so happy for you!

BJ: (sigh) I really have to go...

BS: Wait, lets talk...

Interviewerer for BJ Magazine proceeded to run out of the room and called in sick the next day. When she did finally return to work she had 27 phone messages from Britney...

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Fictional Interview Copyright 1999