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The European Railway Server

Welcome to the European Railway Server. This server provides information about the European Railways, for railway fans as well as for travellers who wish to explore Europe by train.

NEW! Sächsischer Museumseisenbahn Verein Windbergbahn e.V. by Klaus Gottschling

Pics The European Railway Picture Gallery The European Railway Stock List The European Railway Stock List
by Marco van Uden
ICE The ICE Pages
by Tobias Köhler
TGV The TGV Pages
by Clem Tillier
AVE The AVE Pages
by Julio Castillo
Eurostar The Eurostar Pages
by Erik Evrard and Kees Smilde
NS NS - The Dutch Railways
by Marco van Uden
NL.M Dutch museum railways
by Rian van der Borgt
VVT Vapeur Val-de-Travers
by Philippe Quiot
Harz Der Harz / The Harz / Le Harz
by Philippe Quiot
Mure Chemin de Fer de la Mure
by Eric Bettega and Thierry de Villeneuve
AFAC Association Française des Amis des Chemins de fer
by Yann Nottara
Livr European Railway Liveries
by Tobias Köhler
PT Public Transport
by Thomas Purkert
Soft Railway related Software
by Sven Manias
Windb Windbergbahn e.V.
by Klaus Gottschling
Time Links to European National Railways and Timetables Links Links to many European Rail related sites
Misc Miscellaneous European Railway items Fans European Railway Fans
contact addresses

European Railway Server If you want to link to the European Railway Server, you can download this picture and use the following HTML code on your page:

<a href=""><img src="ers_anim.gif width=88 height=31 alt="European Railway Server" border=0></a>

If you have questions about the The European Railway Server, or if you have additions for our Home Page or the European Train list, please contact Marco van Uden, preferrably by Email ( For questions about a specific country please contact one of the local experts, listed here.

The last update of this page took place on the 11th of December 1998.

Marco van Uden -

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