Dork noun
Someone who does what he or she believes to be right, fun, or "cool" without regard to the actions or opinions of others.
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Dork Rock
Dork rock is pretty much a bunch of different styles of music but mostly old-skool punk, thrash core deth deth deth har dcore.. annoying speed metal or crazy fast punk.
Some bands I know that are definitly dork rock are:
Herman Super sheep dork rock
Devoted Molded they call themselves "Aggro dork-rock"!!
Ghoti Hook Crazy punk dork-core
TauntI think they said they played Nerd-core, but they meant dork-core punk rawk.
Good To Go ska dork punk from New York.
Some dorky things to do
- skateboard
- listen to annoying trash punk
- accept Jesus Christ as thier Lord and Savior
- mosh in public
- growl and act crazy
- ask little kids funny questions
- jump over stuff
- freestly walk inside stores
- interview complete strangers
- play tag in k-mart
My Favorite Web Sites
The official dork page!!
The Dork Pages
Nick's Punk and Ska Page
Hardcore For Christ