In the begining of the odyssey of prespace. There was only prespace
in our region as far as the mind can think. Then came a time some
15 billion years ago. Prespace changed, and our universe was born.
The universe came from prespace and is made from prespace. Our universe
started from a chain reaction of prespace. A chain reaction started
a very small region of space. The reaction caused more and more space
to be pulled into this reaction. A rush outward from where the reaction
started. Space changing more space into a form of primordial matter.
The universe was being born. Ever expanding with many changes
taking place, to organize space into the matter we now see in our universe.
Inside of the Big Bang as it has come to be called. The
universe was ever expanding with many changes still taking place.
To organize what was prespace into matter. After a time the universe
expanded enough to form the pieces of matter that the universe is now
made of. The pieces of matter are atoms and what is called energy.
and everything in this universe are made of atoms and energy.
Atoms and energy themselves have other particles of which they are
made. Atoms are made of electrons that circle the nucleus in
the atom. The nucleus of the atom is made of protons and neutrons.
The protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom are made of
quarks. Quarks and electrons are themselves may be made of smaller
pieces of prespace. Bubbles within bubbles within bubbles, until one
that everything in this universe is made of prespace. The universe
from nothingness is the thought that may come to mind. But space
is not nothingness. Space has time and dimension. Very powerful
tools to use to form a universe.
Our universe is an ordered place with laws that were produced
with the Big Bang. We and all matter and energy in this
universe follow those laws. Nothing composed of matter may
travel at the speed of light, and energy travels only at the speed
of light. A space ship or any matter, cannot travel faster than the
speed of light. Because there is nothing that travels faster
then light, so nothing can push matter to the speed of light,
amoung other reasons. The speed of light becomes law that can
not be broken. Unlike the laws of humans that can be broken.
One can think of space and our universe as a recycling machine.
We were once part of prespace, then we were part of the Big Bang.
Then we were part of a very large star that exploded.
That formed our solar system, the sun and the planets. Then the
atoms of our planet grouped together in a special way to form
life. After a long time the atoms grouped with changing forms.
Until after a line of species evolved to have consciousness,
we humans then arrived.
Humans died becoming part of the earth again. The structure
their atoms stretch back to our begining. We are made up from the
structure of other life. In that sense we never die. As long as there
is matter in this universe, pieces of you will always be around. Being
recycled over and over. Through other life, and forms of matter.
We would find if we were to peal away the shells of matter.
That we are fluff of space whirling about to give the illusion of
solid forms. We are made of prespace, and our stay in this
universe is finite. Yet the pieces of us that are prespace are
forever. We came from prespace and will return to prespace. It
may take an eternity. But in the time frame of forever, this is a
blink of an eye.
When we look out into our universe we are also looking back
into time. The farther out into our universe we look the father
back into time we look. If we were to look at an object 15 billion
light years from us. We are then seeing an object that is 15
billion years into the past. The objects that we see far into
space are young objects, not old objects. Because if a object
is 15 billion light years away. The light from that object had
to travel for 15 billion years. This universe is only some 15
billion years old. So looking at a object 15 billion light
years away. Is like looking back to a time not so long after
the Big bang expanded enough to start breaking up into
groups of matter. The object is as a baby just newly born.
When we look out into our universe we see the universe as if
it were turned inside out.
Our universe is very large. Even if we were able to live
15 billion years. We would never be able to see even a small
persent of this universe. We would need to select where we
want to go, and spend the many years in space to reach that
destination. With the unimaginable number of suns in this
universe. We can conclude there is life on other planets.
A small percent of this life must be intelligent. But if we
use our planet as a guide as to how many life forms are
technological. Having the ability to construct a star ship, or
to communicate with us. We can see that out of the million life
forms on this planet only one is technological. A life form may
be intelligent having the capacity for understanding. But not be
technological. A ape can understand things, but cannot build a
space ship.
If we were to communicate with another technological life
form. We could then make this planet a destination to explore.
To meet these life forms to exchange knowledge and culture.
We must use caution when engaging another life form, however.
Our culture must be mature enough. To no longer have wars,
conflicts, or confrontations. To have the ability to respect
oneself and others. To not interfere with the growth or
culture of another civilization. Because it has been shown that
when a more advanced culture interferes with a less advanced
culture. The results are invariably disastrous. Also on the
other hand if the technological life forms we encounter are
far advanced of ourselfs. This could lead to disaster for us.
If these technologically advanced life forms are not benevolent.
Nonetheless we have already sent signals out into space. If
there is a culture out there that intercepts our signals.
They will know the direction to communicate or come, if they
wish to do so. We cannot know what kind of civilizations are
out there. We have never found another civilization. But what
we have found in space so far is, that things in space are far
beyond what we expect. Things in space are far more subtle and
gross than we can possibly imagine.
When we find that what we thought of the universe was wrong,
and must be changed to fit what the universe is factually. Our
thinking must also change to fit what is now found to be truth. We
must give up our old cherished illusions for what is the more
accurate truth. Until truth is truth and not what we think truth
should be. We find truth to be an on going process. To fit the facts
as new facts are found. No rigid book of myth and authority can be
the truth. No book that has as its doctrine the need to believe
can be the truth. Truth is self evident and verifiable. Truth
is not something that you are told you must believe, but are
compelled to believe. Because truth fits the facts and is self
evident by verification. We must give up our cherished illusions
and myths when truth compels us to do so. One should rejoice in
truth. That another illusion has fallen, and that we see more
clearly. The only gods are those that have risen to a height
of truth far above ours. As we would be gods to the people of
our past.
If a god made our universe. Then this god came from another
universe. This god would have had to travel to this region of
prespace (which would be impossible). Then start the chain
reaction that made our universe. This god or these gods would
indeed be much more intelligent than us at this time. These gods
would indeed be worthy of our title of god. Reaching a height
of truth far above us. But none the less life forms from a universe.
Not magical, but physical.
Our universe did not come from a god there is no need. Our
universe came from a defect or a form of energy release of
prespace. At this time when people are told about other universes.
They tend to think in terms of other universes in other
dimensions. Like magic, you can slip through a dimision to
another universe. As if there are doors that can be opened and
you pass through to another place like our universe. But in the
real world. To go to another universe would take in our terms,
forever. There are no magical doors to walk through to get to
another place. You must travel there. One does not open a door
to travel to the nearest universe, or for that matter the nearst
store. One must get onto a vehicle and travel there.
Universes are likely to be very far from each other. Also
universes are likely to be very rare. Traveling to another
universe or even another galaxy is unlikely. Traveling through
another dimension is not reality. Although mathematically
there can be any number of dimensions one cares to make.
In the real world there are only fore dimensions. One is height,
another is lenght, another is depth, the last is time. Time is
the only dimension one cannot see. But for any dimension to
exist there must be time. Because to move from one point to
another point must take time. A dimension is time and distance.
A dimension is space and time. Space is what you move through,
and to move must take time.
The need to see the truth is paramount. The universe is what
it is, not what we make it to be. The truth is self evident and
verifiable, not belief, not magic, not myth. The truth of our
universe is not mythical. Suns and planets come and go. Large
suns explode to form other suns and planet. Matter that may come
into contact with the gravitational field of a black hole is
sucked inside. Entire galaxies are being suck into giant black
holes. Civilizations may come and flourish only to be snuffed out
by there own ignorance. The universe leaves us only one choice.
We must always struggle against chaos. We must always strive for
balance. We must respect ourselves and others or perish