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 Atomos is to be a crucuble burning away all belief until all that remainss is the truth.
Atomos is for cutting through the cherished illusions until all that remains is the truth.
What is the logic behind Atomos? We live in a society that people fear one another.
Where there is open intolerance for one human toward another. Where even our
governments make laws to promote intolerance of others. Where by laws and social
acceptance humans are made to be less than other humans. In order to have a
peaceful society and world, one must respect themselves and others. No sentient
being is either above or below another (but others may be quite different).
    What you know determines what you believe. What you believe and your rituals
define your society. Your society defines your people. Your people are taught the
rules of behavior by your society. Crime is a physical by product of how your
people are taught by your society. The rate of crime is about the same every year,
because your society defines how much crime is to take place. Therefore you
cannot fight crime you must change your society for crime to be reduced.
  Each person in your society must respect themselves and others before crime can
be reduced.Your whole society must respect itself and others in order that the
individual can respect themselves and others. The government must respect every
member of its society in order for the individual to respect the government. Every
individual must respect every other individual in order for them to be respected.
Therefore no individual can be singled out to be disrespected, (as homosexuals,
people with a skin color, or even the criminal) in order for the whole of society
to respect itself. There are not bad people there are societies that make people bad.
If you want to stop crime you must change your society. If you make one person
less than human you make yourself less human, because you may fine someday you
are the human the others say is less human.
  Humans are at a point that socially we are very primitive (having wars, bias, and
crime), and we have technology far advanced over social growth (having nuclear
weapons, fast computers, and the ability to electronically adapt). The social growth
can be best said to have stagnated at a point some 1 to 2 thousand years in the past.
The humans still have primitive thought that the color of ones skin, a line drawn on a
sector of land, or an ideology that a group has makes a difference. Makes a
difference as to whether one human is better than another.
  The dates in this edition is in earth time. Our clocks show earth time, the calendars
date earth time, and all dates in this edition are in earth time. The earth is
4,500,000,000 years old or 4.5 billion years old. All the year dates are in earth time.
For years that were AD as 1991 AD is in earth time 4,500,001,991 or abbreviated
45.1991. For years that were BC as 396 BC is in  earth time 4,499,999,604 or
abbreviated 44.9604 (-396).
  The use of the word religion for this nonmyth-based religion, is redefined to mean:
A body of knowledge that has it's beginning before history and is active in daily lives
of a majority of people. With or without the people's knowledge science, reason,
and logic is used in daily life by all people. The art of experimentation has it's
beginning back to the first use of a tool by our ancestors. Therefore Atomos
(Atom + Cosmos) the atom in this universe coming to know itself, is the oldest still
used religion in our existence. Atomos is a nonmyth-based religion.  The Ten
Commandments of Atomos are: 1. Respect your self and others. 2. Make no one
above or below yourself. 3. A universe needs no gods to come into existence, or to
function in anyway. Nothing in this universe needs an outside force. 4. Governments
and societies must respect the people within them. 5. Laws must be based on logic
or science, and never on myth-based ideology or unproven speculation. 6. To
respect the people economics must be equalized so that all have equal chances.
(With a base level that no one falls below,this does not mean socialism only a base
level.) 7. Resources are tied to population and must be shared. It is disrespectful to
all if population is out of control, or resources are not shared by all. A over populated
planet puts all its population at risk. 8. Sexuality is like a spectrum. One must be taught
about sexuality so that one finds their path in life that they are predisposed to enjoy.
Sex is like water it will seek its level. One must be free to explore their sexuality to have
a peaceful planet, and to find the sexual path they are born to enjoy. 9. Atomos is to
alway be a nonmyth-based religion that is based on logic, science and respect for self
and others. 10. Any religion that cannot stand the test of scientific methodology and
logic, will in time be thrown out as any theory that fails the test of time and scientific
methodology is thrown out. Atomos fills that void. We must cut through the cherished
illusions of belief. To be as a crucible burning away all belief until all that remains is the
truth.   When no one fears the gods and no one fears the law. There is only logic and
respect for self and others to control us.

Oct. 1991

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