One*Pump*Chump is a quartet from Hollidaysburg Pa. They formed as a three piece in Oct. 97 as the Backyard Bullies but shortly after picked up a second guitarist and as u can see the name changed. The members are John Brehm, vocal and guitar, Aaron Melton, also as vocal and guitar, Jason Baird, bass, and Alex Lamont, drums. They have played shows with The Nobodys, Pinhead Circus and Longfellow. They love playing shows so if you would like to book the band you can e-mail Jason at, or even if u have seen them u can just e-mail him with friendly coments. Thank you for the support of our band and local scene.
biography section / pictures and sounds
Rock City High (former Funsize), Vent, Whoopie Cushion, The Letdowns, One Pump Chump, No Potential: July 13th, Kattaning Trail Fire Hall, Altoona, PA. 5:30pm, 5$ admission. info.