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This page is not meant to offend anyone, though it will probably do so. This is simply a way for me to freely express my thoughts and beliefs on controversial subjects. As some of you may know, I have vocalized my opinions regarding politics and religion during discussions at school, and was met mostly with intolerance. I respect everyone else's point of view, but this is from my perspective. If you put yourself in another person's shoes and examine how they were raised and what they deem important, you can understand why they think and believe differently from you. Of course, difference is good; it is what makes the world so interesting....but it can also cause conflicts.
I do not commit myself to any particular party; I am neither republican nor democrat, but I do seem to lean way to the left(liberal) side. I am definitely an environmentalist, though I learned in my environmental science course that we must look at a situation from a worldview. We cannot sacrifice the lives of humans to save a cockroach that exists only in the bayous of Louisiana, but we must not allow an organism to perish because we do not know how the puzzle of life fits together. Even in such a modern time, scientists are still unable to create a self-sustaining environment. This shows how very little we know about our world. "How many times must the cannonballs fly before they're forever banned?...How many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?" -Bob Dylan "All we are saying is give peace a chance." -John Lennon "You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom." -Malcom X Obviously, I am anti-violence. While peace is considered idealistic, it is not impossible. Nothing that is worth having comes by easily. It seems that the majority of the population, at least here, wants to force their personal values on everyone else. I suppose that that desire is human nature, but that doesn't make it right. What evokes the most controversy seems to be what I consider basic human rights. Rather than write a book about my views, I plan to periodically change what is written here depending on what has just infuriated or fascinated me. Most of you know me well enough to know how I feel about certain issues. If you have any questions or comments please email me.
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Currently, there have been discussions concerning religion in public schools. I am very much against religion of any kind in public schools, however, in my small town, it already exists. I don't have a problem with religious organizations that are not affiliated with school, but at WOS we have Mustangs for the Master, a Christian club. One of my friends is president of the club and doesn't realize that it is wrong to have daily prayers announced over the loudspeaker. How do you think the city would react if we had a pagan club affiliated with the school? Besides, our country was founded on the idea of separation of church and state! Our constitutional rights are violated when we are subjected to prayer at school functions. We have no choice whether or not we attend many school functions(and prayers are announced over the loudspeaker), but we are forced to listen to prayers which sometimes insult other religions. Personally, I have been repeatedly insulted. If prayer is wanted by the majority, as the holy rollers insist, than a moment of silence in which one can pray, collect one's thoughts or just think will suffice.

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