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Welcome to my page of completely useless stuff! This is for all you poor, pathetic bored earthlings out there! Why did I put so many crappy, colorful 80s cartoons on this page? Well, like these links, they're useless! I hate the 80s with a passion, but for some reason these cartoons fit a page of boredom! Anyway, Emily loves the 80s...and where else would I put cartoons of the 80s for her to steal? While you're here, be sure to check out Blossom's Campaign Site. Sure, she's not from the 80s, but she is running for president.

Click me to go to my campaign site!

Guess what? Instead of being bored I learned to say "I Love You" in 7 different languages during lunch one day. It seems my lunch group speaks a variety of languages. Ich liebe dich(German), Je T'aime( French), Te Amo(Spanish), Ik hou van jou (Dutch), aishiteru(Japanese), Em ye^u anh (woman to man, Vietnamese), Anh ye^u em (man to woman, Vietnamese), Eg elska thig(Icelandic). Interessant, non?

Go Dumpster Diving!!!
Analyze Your Name
Are You a Nerd?
Political Babble Generator
Procrastination Section

Let's take a short look at the history of COFFEE!!! In the middle 1600s the drink was introduced into Europe and North America. Coffeehouses soon became centers for literary and political discussion. Rulers periodically attempted to suppress them; King Charles II of England termed coffeehouses "seminaries of sedition."

The Magic 8 ball
The PEZ Dispensor Homepage this is for you, Emily!
Dr. Werner Wilhelm Webowitz's tell the doc your problems...just don't swear!
Interactive Model Railroad
Adopt a Fortune Cookie!
When it became known that roasting coffee beans brought out their flavor, roasted beans were crushed, boiled in water, and then consumed grounds and all.

Thank AOL for those free disks...and then request another!
Personalized Shakespearean Insults!aahh! reminds me of those blissful days of my freshmen English class...
The Official Monopoly Homepage
Tarot Online! once Jon tried to tell my fortune using Sam's Tarot cards and they said I'd never be happy...ha!
Not that anyone actually cares about the history of the world's perfect drink...

Random Topic Generator
Find The Spam
Anonymous Message Server
Letter Writer
Tabloid O' the Day

Did you know that a local ordinance in Atwoodville, Connecticut prohibits people from playing Scrabble while waiting for a politician to speak. So can they play Trivial Pursuit?
Super Hero Generator!
Are you an Alien?
What kind of Tree are you?
The Burrito Personality Test
Internet Annagram Server

After telling the press he was an expert in hand gestures, President George Bush gave the "V-for-Victory" sign as he drove in his armored limousine past demonstrators in Canberra, Australia's capital in January 1992. In Australia, holding up two fingers to form a "V" has the same vulgar meaning as the middle-finger gesture in the United States. The Aussie demonstrators were enraged, and they signaled in the same manner back at the U.S. President.
The Love Calculator
The Lucky Charms Test
The Mushroom Maze
Are you psychic?
At the height of the teddy bear's huge popularity in the early 1900s, there is record of one Michigan priest who publicly denounced the teddy as an insidious weapon. He claimed that the stuffed toy would lead to the destruction of the instincts of motherhood and eventual racial suicide. What the...?

What's your Soup Personality?
How sleazy are you?
The Coffee Test
The Tongue Twister Database

In ancient China people committed suicide by eating a pound of salt. Interesting...yet nauseating...
Draw a Fairy
Really Bored
Virtual Arcade
Really Big Red Button
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is commonly believed to be the only English sentence devised to include all the letters of the alphabet. However typesetters and designers have alternatively employed "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs."
Go here for lots of FUN!!!
Virtual Voodoo Doll!
It's a Conspiracy!
Who's still bored? I am! I am! Well, that's why this is my SuperCrappy page! I bet Emily likes this one the best, don't you? Emily, you are one of the few people I like that loves the 80s....I guess I've learned to accept that in you.
Does anyone know Josie and the Pussycats? I don't think they're from the 80s;they've been on Scooby Doo! That makes them cool!
Now for all of you people who are truly bored. I'm sorry, but you should learn to use your imagination! I rarely get bored so I have no sympathy for you!
For all of you who are still bored, I have a sweet, little messageboard to help you relieve your boredom!Go Babble!
Now smurfs was a great show for little kids. It still comes on Cartoon Network.La la la la la la...
Who's still bored?
GO HERE! Why don't you go chat in my boring little chatroom?
FYI: Quizzes will be updated regularly(translation:at my leisure) so check back frequently!
Guess what? You can get free email at!
If you have any links that you feel are worthy, please feel free to send them to me! Thanks!
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