Krist Novesellic
Born: May 16th in Compton California
Places he lived: Gardena, California; Aberdeen, Washington in 1979; in 1980 his parents sent him to live w/ relatives in Croatia, in 1981 he went back to Aberdeen, in 1986 Chris and his future wife shelli moved to Phoenix, Arizona in search of work, then moved to Hoquiam, Washington.
Favorite Bands: Led Zepplin, Devo, Black Sabbath, Sex Pistols, the ramones, Vibrations, Flipper, Black Flag, Circle Jerks and Aerosmith.
Bands:Stiff woodies (a melivins satellite project), The Mentors (a cover band), the Sellouts (a Credence Clearwater Revival cover band w/ Kurt Cobain), Nirvana, and Sweet 75
Instruments: Bass guitar, Guitar, 12 string guitar and accordian.
Bass' he owned(s): 1978 Gibson RD Artist
Languages: Picked up croation around the house.
Here are some links for Krist:
something krist wrote to the Nirvana news group. I got this from The Internet Nirvana Fan Club
another post from krist to the nirvana news group: this one is especially cool.
some of Krist's favorite things.

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