"To control magic is to control the world!"---Thumar Hashlaive, Wizard/Nethermancer adept, on one of his many mad rants in his younger days.
Jhonas’s Herald and Banner
(Pronounced JOHnaz)
Jhonas was a prescourge hero of some renown. A human male he rose to some distinction as a Troubadour in Landis. He became an Ambassador to the neighboring Kingdom of Cara Fahd. During a flare up in tensions between the two kingdoms, Jhonas was taken under house arrest. The tension developed into a full war and Jhonas was taken as a prisoner of war. Not to waste his talents one of the orkish generals took him on as a personal retainer (slave). He spent four years with the general spending long evenings talking of war and great battles. One day he made his escape as the general was preparing a campaign against one of Landis’s undefended border.
He made it to a group of farmsteads inside the Landian border and persuaded the citizens to launch an attack against the massed forces. Through surprise and subterfuge, Jhonas managed to route the other army and send them away. Hearing of another battlefront that was poorly defended the villagers asked that he lead them to support the troops there.
Over the next few years Jhonas managed to defend Landis and even brought a hostile army to the gates of Cara Fahds' capital where he signed a peace with the King at that time. For his bravery and service he was knighted and given the symbol that now forms his herald and is upon his banner. He later traveled into Theran lands where he was never heard from again. It is said though that his banner and herald still bear some of his luck. It is spoken that if they are arrayed together against an evil force then Jhonas himself will lead the charge.
The Herald.
Appearance: A rectangular badge just smaller than a human hand. It is made from gold with an Azure blue front. In the center is a brilliant white star outlined in gold. The badge attaches to clothing by means of a clip on the back.
Maximum Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 15
All powers are available only so long as the Herald is clearly displayed. The Herald has a certain recognition factor. Anyone with any skill in legendary treasures, or in Landian History will instantly recognize the Herald. Any troubadour can make a half-magic test with a difficulty of three to recognize the Herald. Also as the rank of the thread increases the Herald is more easily recognized. Base recognition is four. At rank one anyone of Legend status Five will recognize the Herald immediately, each other legend status has an increasing difficulty of four (e.g. Legend Status Four Dif: 8, Legend Status Three Dif: 12, Legend Status Zero Dif: 24.). Each rank one more Legend Status gains instant recognition and the all other tests go down by four points.
Rank One
Legend Point cost: 300
Key Knowledge: The name of the badge is Jhonas’s Herald.
Effect: +2 steps on all interaction Tests when dealing with groups. Group is 10 sentient beings.
+1 on Social Defense.
Rank Two
Legend Point cost: 500
Key Knowledge: Jhonas was a gambler. Must learn that his favorite game was Dragon’s (a dice game).
Effect: Gains the Second chance talent at the same rank as the rank of the thread tied to the Herald. The Character can use this talent once per day. +1 to Spell Defense. +1 to Physical Defense. (Note the Talent is only available while the Herald is in the Characters Possession.)
Rank Three
Legend Point cost: 800
Key Knowledge: General Cratinoc held Jhonas who influenced a lot of Cratinoc’s get. Characters must learn that the Skull Warg Skorchers are descended from him.
Effect: +4 steps to interaction tests when dealing with groups. +2 To Mystic Armor. +2 to Physical Armor.
Rank Four
Legend Point cost: 1300
Key Knowledge: Jhonas luck carried over to his troops. Characters must learn that The Battle of Miracle Vale was where his men all made it through without a scratch.
Effect: The Second Chance Talent is increased. The rank in the talent is now twice the rank of the thread tied to the Herald. Also the character can give up his ability to use this talent himself for the day and give that to up to rank characters who have a loyal or better attitude towards him.
Rank Five
Legend Point cost: 3400
Key Knowledge: Jhonas was killed by a guard outside of Skypoint. He was interred in one of the largest mounds covered by shadow in Vrontok.
Deed: To go to Jhonas grave and pay homage to him, vowing never to raise his standard against a good or decent cause. This deed is worth 100 legend points. If the character arranges for an elaborate ceremony the deeds’ value increases to 1000 legend points. If the character succeeds in putting his spirit to rest through a Landian Funeral ceremony (performed by a Landian Questor, holyman or regular Nethermancer) the deed increases to 5000 legend points.
Effect: +2 to Physical, +2 to Spell, +2 to Social defense.
Rank Six
Legend Point cost: 4700
Key Knowledge: Jhonas legend has spread far out of proportion. It is because of a deal Jhonas made with a group of ally spirits. So long as his life would be spent in the pursuit of good, his legend would travel to the corners of the earth. Characters must learn that Neathu, Molis, and Brock were the ally spirits he dealt with.
Effect: At this rank characters gain a certain amount of fame. Their legend will be known wherever they go. This does not mean that the character ties this thread and suddenly every Ruler on the earth knows his name, it is just that if he travels to those areas the ruler (and any others dependent on Legend Status) will suddenly recall certain tales. The game effect is that characters carry their full legend status wherever they go. So even in the deepest deserts of Indrisa the tribal chieftain will have heard of the bearer of Jhonas’ Herald.
Rank Seven
Legend Point cost: 8100
Key Knowledge: (please note this rank can not be achieved until the bearer of the Herald has tied a rank six thread to the Banner of Jhonas. In fact the bearer of either item will not be aware of the final rank until a rank six thread is tied)
Deed: Jhonas was a Troubadour of some renown. If a character can create a drinking ballad or battle chant about his campaigns then he will receive 15 000 Legend points that can be used on both the Banner’s Final Rank or the Heralds.
Effect: The bearer of the Herald gains an amazing ability to influence people. The character may once per day speak to a crowd of people and attempt to improve his standing with them. The character makes an interaction test with seven (the rank of the thread) added to the result. Checking the result with each member of his audience. If he succeeds each member with a neutral attitude or better moves to Loyal for the rest of the day and the next. The bearer may then influence them with the Banner's powers. However should the wearer command them to do anything against their principles, or put's them at risk but spares himself, they will immediately revert to their original standing minus one level. Friendly drops to Neutral, Neutral drops to unfriendly etc.
The Banner
Appearance: The banner is a small standard. Triangular in shape from the acute point to the base it measures four feet in length. The banner is primarily white with a circle of Azure blue centered on the triangle. With in the blue circle is a White star, outlined in gold. The banner can affix itself to a pole by means of the strings at the base of the triangle.
Spell Defense: 15
No. Of Threads: 2
Please note that all of the Banners' powers only function when it is affixed to an object and held aloft. Of additional interest though is that the banner need not be held by the one who has threads tied to it, but can be held by one who holds a loyal or better attitude to the character. (Bearer in the following section will refer to the person who has tied threads to the banner)
Rank One
Legend Point Cost: 300
Key Knowledge: The bearer must know that the Banner is Jhonas' Banner
Effect: +1 to Physical Def. All characters that bear a loyal attitude toward the bearer gain +2 steps to their perception tests against those trying to surprise them.
Rank Two
Legend Point Cost: 500
Key Knowledge: The bearer must learn that the Name of the first battle Jhonas fought in was called Cratinocs' Defeat.
Effect: +2 to Physical Def. The bearer gains the tactics skill equal in rank to the rank of the thread tied to the banner.
Rank Three
Legend Point Cost: 800
Key Knowledge: The bearer must learn that Jhonas led foot soldiers. (History claims that his mobility could only be accomplished by calvary)
Effect: If the banner is affixed to a lance or pole ahead of a marching group (no less than ten no more than 100x the bearers banner rank) it increases their overland movement by fifteen miles a day.
Rank Four
Legend Point Cost: 1300
Key Knowledge: The bearer must learn that in the Battle of Miracle Vale, Jhonas inspired his troops by raising the standard behind enemy lines after being separated from his troops.
Effect: All characters who hold a loyal or better attitude towards the bearer gains a bonus to Morale. Anytime an effect or situation would force them to flee they gain a step bonus equal to the thread tied to the banner. If they don't get a test to resist, the difficulty number to affect them is increased by the rank of the thread tied to the banner.
Rank Five
Legend Point Cost: 3400
Key Knowledge: At one point the Landian army cut off supplies to Jhonas' forces to appease the Therans, Jhonas' men went without food for days. Jhonas in desperation made a deal with some ally spirits to help his army. The bearer must know the name of the Nethermancer who summoned the spirits was Hogan Darkguard.
Effect: +1 to Spell Def. For the cost of four strain per day the bearer may suppress the food and beverage requirements of a group. The number of the group can not be less than ten or greater than 100x Banner rank. The strain can not be healed until each member whose requirements were suppressed has had one week worth of food and water.
Rank Six
Legend Point Cost: 4700
Key Knowledge: The bearer must learn that the name of the ally spirits were Neathu, Molis, and Brock.
Deed: The bearer must summon the same ally spirits and perform a task for them. At the end of the task the spirits will allow the character to swear the same oath as Jhonas. (To always use the items for a good, just cause) This deed is not worth Legend points. +2 to Spell Def. The bearers' troops recover much quicker. Any group (usual definition) who holds a loyal attitude gain plus two steps to all their recovery tests.
Rank Seven
Legend Point Cost: 8100
Key Knowledge: None (must have a rank six thread tied to the herald.)
Deed: Same as the Herald (perform one, good for both)
Effect: The bearers' tactics ability increases. He can now affect a group with, as many individuals equal to 50x the Tactics rank.