"To control magic is to control the world!"---Thumar Hashlaive, Wizard/Nethermancer adept, on one of his many mad rants in his younger days.
Ostakal's Sword of Defense
Maximum Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 11
Ostakal's Sword of Defense was created by a paranoid Warrior. This Warrior, who's name was Ostakal The Paranoid, believed that everyone was out to get him. He became so paranoid that he soon went mad. He devised traps for every possible thing. He made his home into a death trap. He went from putting traps on his front door, to putting traps on his cookie jar. He stayed in his home for years on end, afraid that someone was in waiting to kill him the second he stepped out onto the street. He had everything he needed to survive in his home. He had created a garden that he could make food with and bread pigs for meat. Some myths say that a few thieves stumbled into his home, not knowing of all the traps. Ostakal captured some, and in his state of madness, he tortured him, in an attempt to make the poor would-be thief to tell him who was trying to get him.
It is unclear as to what happened next, but some say that Ostakal overcame his paranoia. He ventured out of his home, and before he even reached the bottom of the steps to the street, he was murdered.
The Sword of Defense wound up in Bartertown, and was sold to the elven archer, Quin.
Thread Ranks
Rank 1
Cost: 200
Key Knowledge: The character must learn the name of the sword.
Effect: By weaving a thread to this rank, the sword becomes an alarm of sorts. When ever the sword is touched by someone other than the owner, an alarm squeals loudly. This alarm is capable of paralyzing the person touching the weapon. The victim must make a willpower test against a target number of 8. If the player fails, he becomes paralyzed by the sound for 10 rounds or until the sound ceases.
Rank 2
Cost: 400
Key Knowledge: The character must discover the major trait that was associated with Ostakal. (Paranoia).
Effect: The sword is able to detect who is touching the hilt of the sword. If the sword detects someone touching it other than the owner, then pores built into the sword dispatch a deadly poison. The poison causes step 20 damage to those out have it injected. The poison can soak through cloth but cannot get through metal, such as gauntlets.
Rank 3
Cost: 600
Key Knowledge: The character was discover the roots of Ostakal's paranoia.
Effect: The sword is able to detect who is touching the hilt of the sword. If the sword detects someone touching it other than the owner, the sword begins to strike the person holding onto the sword at that time. Use the attack and damage step of the character who is holding the sword. The player can release his grip of the sword by making a Willpower 12 test. The player can make this test once a round. The sword will continue to attack the player until the player dies or until the sword is dropped.
Rank 4
Cost: 900
Key Knowledge: The character must recount the steps of what happened at the time of Ostakal's death.
Effect: When the character is in possession of the weapon, they are capable of detecting danger such as ambushes. When a character is about to walk into danger, a buzzing begins to occur in his jaw. The player cannot be surprised by attacks. This warning happens just before the attack and so the player does not have time to warn companions of the danger.
Rank 5
Cost: 1,200
Deed: The character must avenge Ostakal's death by finding the murderer and bringing him to justice. They cannot simply kill the man, but must take him to a court of law and let him have a fair trial. If the character completes this deed by having the man found guilty, the character receives 1,200 legend points.
Effect: For the cost of one strain, the player may create an invisible shield around himself that can stop missile fire. The player rolls 2d10 against the result of the attack. If the result is greater than the attack, the missile falls to the ground. If the roll is less than the attackers result, the missile hits but the shield provides 5 armor points against missile fire. On a roll that is equal to the attacker's roll, the missile slows down, stopping two feet away from the player. The missile spins around to face the attacker and fires back at him. Roll step 8 dice to determine the attack result. Roll damage as usual.