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"Good things come to those who wait."---Greldum Drobe, captain of the White Rhino's military corps, addressing his young apprentice.

The Grand Glacier

The Grand Glacier is one of the few entranceways into Forever Winter Vale. The Great Mirrored River flows out of a cavern of ice set into the face of the glacier. The ice cavern is huge. It splits off into numerous tunnels and dead ends, only one actually leads to the caves of the savages that call the base of the Caucavic Mountains home. Legend speaks of a castle that used to be where the glacier now is. People say that the castle belonged to an troll king who ruled the Caucavic’s. The Grand Glacier swallowed the castle up. The people of Forever Winter Vale believe that the castle is still inside the glacier somewhere. Some of the people even say that the inhabitants survived the scourge, the Grand Glacier acting as a citadel of sorts. None of these rumors or myths are known for fact, however.

Before the Great Mirrored River gets deep within the valley, a flood plain of deposits left by the glacier stretches out across the valley floor for hundreds of yards. Sitting at the edge of the flood plain is a watch tower. This tower is nothing but a platform which is supported by wood stilts. A gong is on the platform. The tower’s original use was when the locals were terrorized by some unknown assailants. These assailants would come out of the glacier only under the cover of night. The guard at the tower was to ring the gong if anything came out of the glacier. The tower has not been used in over a hundred years. The assailants came only around the end of the scourge. The locals did not deal with the assailants in any way and so nobody knows for sure what truly happened. Some of the locals believe that it was the troll kings soldiers coming from their icy grave to attack the valley.