"Good things come to those who wait."---Greldum Drobe, captain of the White Rhino's military corps, addressing his young apprentice.
Game Statistics
Attribute modifiers
Dex: +1
Str: +0
Tou: +0
Per: +1
Wil: +1
Cha: -2
The Kiberla have very strong muscles in their legs which permits them to leap great
distances. To determine how far a Kiberla can leap, divide the Full Movement by 2, round
up. The end result is the distance in feet that the Kiberla can leap. The Games Master
may require that the Kiberla have a running start before they can leap this distance.
Tail Attack
Very similar to the t’skrang tail attack, the Kiberla can use their tail as an effective
weapon. The damage is strength step plus 4. This damage represents the spikes that are
on the end of the tail. The Kiberla do not strap weapons onto their tails.
The kiberla have the ability to hide themselves underneath loose surfaces such as snow and
sand. The kiberla makes a dexterity roll. The result is the target number that people have
if they wish to spot the burrowed kiberla.
This is a Talent that is unique to all kiberla adepts in the same way the Versatility Talent is
unique to human adepts. The Kiberla increases it as if it were a talent. When a Kiberla
wishes to use the Transmitting power, he meditates. This opens him up to the astral plane
and so this talent has the possibility of attracting a horror and other astral creatures. It is
up to the GM how he wishes to work it but an easy rule of thumb is to treat it as if the
kiberla is casting raw magic and use the same rules.
Once the kiberla has opened himself up to astral space, he can try and contact ghost or
somebody who has died in the past. It the kiberla knew the dead person when he was
alive, the target number to contact him is a 9. It the kiberla did not know the person when
he was alive then the target number can be anything the GM deems appropriate. The
kiberla can communicate with the dead person for a number of minutes equal to the rank
of the talent. The ghost is under no obligation to speak back with the kiberla and the
ghost does not have extra knowledge of things he did not know when he was alive.
Transmitting can be used once per day.