"Good things come to those who wait."---Greldum Drobe, captain of the White Rhino's military corps, addressing his young apprentice.
Weeper’s Pond
Weeper’s Pond is a small body of water that is not connected to any rivers or streams. It
is a surreal place. The trees are twisted and it is absoulutly silent. Not a single bird chirps,
and no other animal makes a noise. The locals stay away from the pond all together. The
local myth says that when the wizard died at Frozen Falls his wife couldn’t live any longer
without him. She killed her self by drowning in Weeper’s Pond. The legend says that
anyone who goes near Weeper’s Pond might encounter the ghost of the dead woman.
The locals say that her spirit will not rest until it is reunited with her husband.
The truth of the matter is that there is indeed a ghost. The spirit of the dead woman does
lurk around Weeper’s Pond in search for her husband. The only problem is that there is a
horror living with in the pond. He has taking control of the woman’s spirit. None of the
locals have ever seen the horror, and those who have, have become slaves of the horror or
have died.
Here is a picture of the horror, bursting out of Weeper’s Pond.