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"Good things come to those who wait."---Greldum Drobe, captain of the White Rhino's military corps, addressing his young apprentice.

Great Mirrored River

The Great Mirrored River is a large, slow moving, meandering river that cuts it’s way through Forever Winter Vale. The River got it’s name for the brilliant reflection it produces, which is exactly like a giant mirror. The river spans 200 feet at it’s widest point and a mere 30 feet at it’s thinnest point. There are no bridges that cross the river and so the valley people use canoes to cross the river.

The river’s flood plain is large and wide as well, making a nice flat terrain perfect for building settlements. Wildlife is abundant near the river as well, giving the valley people a large supply of mammals to hunt. once a year, in the Spring time, the Great Mirrored River is alive with fish. Trout make there way down the river in huge groups. The surface of the water, which is almost always smooth and calm, is constantly disrupted by the Trout jumping there way along the river. On one day of the year, the trout are in such abundance that literally hundreds of them can be seen jumping out of the water all at the same time. The valley people have named this day the spring day bounty.

The Great Mirrored River meets the Destiny River near Dun Varna. Wyvern’s Cross bridge crosses the Destiny River. The Destiny River flows into the Great Mirrored River. On occasions, large ornamental canoes can be seen floating down the river, carrying dead Kiberla. The valley people leave these canoes alone because they fear the strange race of the Kiberla. The Kiberla do not fear the other valley people and do not hold hostilities against any of them. They just wish to live in peace.