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statement on H1N1 vaccine by Brendan Cross


By Brendan Cross

Thursday, November 19, 2009.

Earlier this year, 2009, I received an email from a source who's been consistently correct about things for almost ten years. I remember that I walked into my mom's kitchen and remarked point blank: "They're planning a pandemic scare and then they're going to vaccinate everyone with poison ." Of course, my mom responded by telling me I was acting increasingly bi-polar. This happened before the summer.

I've written extensively about my short time with The First Nations Party and my thoughts and experiences surrounding that time in my life. Although unpublished, my book "The First Nations Party: Part One" is available on my website and the internet. It was written during my last 8-month stint in jail for peeking at someone using the bathroom in 2004.

What I failed to include in the story was a significant factor leading to my resignation as leader of The First Nations Party of Saskatchewan in 2001. At that time (in a world without Facebook), I was receiving an increasing number of emails from individuals I highly regarded and gaining an ever-increasing understanding and awareness of the way this world operates. It left me horrified and desperate to escape the life I was involved in. When I discussed certain things with my family or my wife, they naturally thought I was crazy.

So I quit talking about it.

I ended my book by telling of my experience meeting Prince Charles in front of the Legislature before traveling to Saskatoon to witness him being received by all of the chiefs of Saskatchewan. I recall clearly the next day, a Sunday, in Regina. The news was reporting that the RCMP had shot a Native man in the back while he was ramming a police vehicle on the side of the highway with his truck. As with most news stories, I viewed the initial information coming out as being the most reliable. I remember the dead man's wife stating that the force used by the police was excessive and she feared for her life.

I was sitting in my in-laws' backyard waiting for barbeque hamburgers when I began crying and simply said to all gathered, "I think I'm going crazy." Nobody said anything.

But I am not crazy when it comes to things like this.

The next day I went to the Legislature, announced my resignation, spoke to reporters, then I collected all of my suits from politics and threw them in the garbage bin behind our apartment. I wanted to destroy who and what I had become- a politician.

It was a similarly concerned female political bureaucrat whose internet Yahoo chat further changed my view of reality next. In one long communication, she stated the plan for the next ten years was to regionalize provinces and parts of Canada (with the possibility of Quebec or Alberta separation) to prepare for one, big North American "super-country." She said those who were planning these things used the term "Fourth Reich" jokingly to describe the new order of the world they were creating.

She said peoples' liberties and freedoms would be gradually weakened, that security companies would begin assuming the responsibilities of the police, and our Canadian forces would be deployed all over the world. She said a new, global currency would be introduced after an economic crisis- that the American dollar would collapse. Then the shocker:

"There are terrorist cells in North America right now planning an attack that will shock the world and begin a decade-long war to destroy Western values.

Just like the end of Fight Club ."

It was May of 2001, and I didn't really care enough to thing ahead about how this would all transpire. Then on September 11th, I woke up and watched the two World Trade towers implode on live television. A friend of mine left work to come and visit me at my mom's. "It's happening, isn't it?" Yes, I said. Let's get stoned.

About three years ago, I began to get involved once again in political endeavors- first with the First Peoples National Party of Canada, then as a card-carrying Conservative, and eventually by attending Aboriginal events hosted by the FSIN, AFN, and Congress of Aboriginal Peoples. What I've concluded is that the political game hasn't changed much, other than the fact that political operatives are now more afraid than ever of being insubordinate to their bosses, and afraid of speaking out. Or speaking at all.

I am not afraid.

What do I have to lose by speaking out? My marriage? My kids? My job? Money? My reputation? No. I have nothing to lose. The truth makes me free to do what I feel I was created to do- which is to tell the truth.

The H1N1 vaccine contains almost 30 times the amount of toxic mercury safe for a human- let alone a child. The flu itself only has a death rate of 1 in 60- or about 200 people in Canada. Just like any other yearly flu. Mercury and lead poisoning actually weakens one's immune system which might lead to heightened illness from common colds or viruses. And who, again, are the target groups? Not white men.

(If there are those of you who are tempted to be filled with hatred or mistrust against all white people, I can only say I received a lot of this information from a white man.)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is giving speeches around the United States describing the dangers of mercury poisoning (which is known to cause premature autism in infants) and the attempts by the government to cover up all of this information. I met RFK Jr once while I was leader of The First Nations Party after he gave a speech in the winter of 2001. He was alone in the library with a couple assistants when I went in and introduced myself. He is an honourable man.

What does he have to lose? Nothing. Because the truth has set him free. I've learned to try to never lie, because steadfastly throughout my life, when I simply tell the truth, it has set me free. Sometimes, quite literally in court. So be it.

And what did Gandhi conclude in his life that truth is?

"Truth is God."

-Brendan William Cross

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